Chapter 6: Be My Slave

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Yesterday was not only a hectic day for Shanaya but also for everyone else in the orphanage. The kids were exhausted, they used all their energy when Rohan was preforming, and now they had no energy left in them to get out bed let alone go play outside, which is why despite it being 12pm all the kids were still in their beds sleeping soundly.

While all this kids were peacefully sleeping, the four partners of Ronaya Orphanage were wide awake, after yesterday's events sleep was the last thing on their mind. After Shanaya blacked out the other three went into panic mode, they called the doctor who told them she fainted because of stress, when she woke up the other three were so relieved, but that relief went away as soon as they saw her condition, she was still, she wasn't talking to anyone, she wasn't eating, she wasn't moving from her bed, all she did was lay on her bed and stare at the ceiling, hardly even blinking. 

Rhea entered Shanaya's room, only to see her in the same position she had left her an hour ago, "Shanaya".

Shanaya didn't respond to Rhea, she didn't even look towards her, all she did was stare at the ceiling like a zombie. 

Rhea sighed, and without saying anything else just went and laid next to Shanaya, "Why is this ceiling so interesting?", once again Shanaya said nothing, "Shanaya please talk to me, please don't shut me out like this".

Rhea tried to be strong, she really did, but seeing her best friend like this was horrible, Shanaya and Rhea were more like sisters then friends, they were two peas in one pod, and seeing Shanaya like this broke Rhea, "Come on Shanaya, talk to me".

Finally Shanaya looked towards Rhea, who like her was staring at the ceiling, the difference was she was actually crying, "Why are you crying for?".

Rhea looked towards Shanaya in shock, she didn't expect her to reply this quickly, since Rohan left this was the first time she has spoken to anyone, "I don't like seeing you like this Shanaya".

Shanaya sighed and slowly got up, Rhea followed soon after, "What went wrong Rhea?".

Rhea put her hand on Shanaya's shoulder, "I really wish I had an answer to that Shanaya, but unfortunately I don't".

Shanaya nodded her head, and then all of a sudden started sobbing. Rhea didn't say anything, just went forward and hugged Shanaya, "Cry it out Shanaya, I don't know when and how, but I promise everything will be okay". 

Shanaya didn't say anything, instead she kept crying while hugging Rhea, and Rhea let her, knowing this is what she needed right now.

After five minutes when Shanaya had finally calmed down, both the girls heard Rajat and Jeet screaming at someone. Giving each other confused looks, Shanaya and Rhea ran outside to see what all the commotion was about.

Coming outside the girls were shocked to see Rajat and Jeet arguing with Mr Kapoor.

Shanaya and Rhea quickly ran up to them, "Why are you both yelling for?".

"Rhea, Mr Kapoor here has sold this land to someone without even giving us a prior notice and now the new owner wants us to evict this land in three days".

Shanaya looked at Mr Kapoor in shock, "Is this true?".

Without meeting Shanaya's eye, Mr Kapoor nodded, "I'm sorry".

Rhea glared at the person infront of her, "Sorry?! Seriously thats all your going to say, because your useless sorry isn't going to help us find a new home for all these kids, why didn't you tell us you were selling this land, you could have given us some time!".

Mr Kapoor sighed, "Rhea it was all so sudden, I needed money for my daughter's wedding and this buyer was willing to buy this land for double the price".

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