Chapter 11: Destruction Of Shanaya Singhaina

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It's been about four hours since Rohan has locked himself in his studio, it's been four hours since Rohan has been trying to write a new song, and in these four hours all he has written are three words, Revenge Over Love. 

Rohan doesn't know why he wrote those words, maybe they conveyed what he was doing, or maybe he was writing about what Shanaya chose, all he knows is that for the past four hours his been trying to write the chorus of this song, but every single time he has failed, from the 47 choruses he wrote not one chorus was good enough for him, Rohan was physically in his studio but his mind was somewhere else, where, he once again didn't know, all he knew was that today was one of those rare days when the great Rockstar Ro couldn't create his magic. 

"Fuck!", Rohan threw his notepad on the floor, he was getting frustrated with this writers block he was having.

"Well someone is in a bad mood".

Rohan turned towards the studio door to see Dimple standing there, amusement shown clearly in her eyes, "Not now Dimple".

"Rohan you need to relax, you've been in here for the past four hours, come out and eat dinner, you won't be able to write anything with an empty stomach".

"Dimple I'm not hungry, just leave me alone please".

Dimple sighed, knowing once Rohan makes up his mind no one change it, so she turned to leave, "Dimple wait".

Dimple turned around and looked at Rohan in confusion, "Make sure Shanaya eats".

Dimple looked at Rohan in confusion, "Shanaya?".

"Yes Shanaya, you know my personal slave".

"Wait Shanaya isn't with you?".

Rohan looked at Dimple in confusion, "Why would Shanaya be with me?".

"Rohan when I came back home I went upstairs to check up on Shanaya but she wasn't in her room or your room, so I automatically assumed she was with you".

"What!", Rohan got up from his chair furious, all ready to burst at Dimple for not keeping an eye on Shanaya, but then suddenly something clicked in his brain and he realised where Shanaya is, or more importantly where he left Shanaya, "Shit, shit, shit!".

Rohan ran out of his studio and started sprinting upstairs, towards his bathroom where he left Shanaya for the past four hours. Rohan slammed the bathroom door open, just to see Shanaya losing her senses, "Shanaya!", Rohan ran up to Shanaya and caught her in his arms before she could hit the ground. 

Dimple who had also followed Rohan was shocked to see a unconscious Shanaya in a now wet Rohan's arms, Rohan saw Dimple looking at him and Shanaya in shock, "Well don't just stand there, turn the fucking shower off!".

Dimple nodded and while Rohan carried Shanaya out, Dimple turned the water off, the water she realised was freezing cold.

Rohan laid Shanaya down on his bed, he grabbed her hand and started rubbing it, trying to give Shanaya some kind of heat, "Come on Shanaya, open your eyes baby".

Rohan didn't even realise when the word baby came out of his mouth, it just naturally did and he didn't even realise it, his mind was to preoccupied by Shanaya and her safety, he didn't care about anyone else, Rohan could deny it all he wants, he can give Shanaya all the pain in this world, but it still won't change the fact that to this day Shanaya resides in Rohan's heart, and seeing her like this, scared the hell out of Rohan.

"Rohan she needs a change of clothes".

Rohan nodded his head quickly, "Yeah your right, go get a shirt from my cupboard and give it to me".

Revenge Over Love? ~ Varun & Alia (✔)Where stories live. Discover now