Chapter 22: Going To Kill Shanaya

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"Tanya for fucks sake, stop pacing!".

Tanya stopped walking up and down the room and glared at Abhi, who was currently sitting on the bed, while playing on his phone.

"How the hell are you so calm, they are coming Abhi, and they are going to be furious at us for letting Shanaya and Rohan reunite!".

Abhi got up from the bed and faced Tanya, "Shanaya and Rohan haven't reunited Tanya, its so obvious Rohan still doesn't trust Shanaya".

"That doesn't change the fact that they are still together Abhi!".

Before Abhi and Tanya could continue arguing, there was a knock on their door, Tanya looked at Abhi, fear shown clearly in her eyes, while Abhi just rolled his eyes at her.

Abhi stepped forward and opened the door, only to see Ashok and Arjun Nanda standing on the other side.

Without saying anything to Abhi, the father son duo entered Abhi and Tanya's shared hotel room.

Abhi sighed and closed the door and followed them into the room, Tanya quietly went and stood in the corner of the room, not wanting to interact with the Nanda's at all, she knew exactly what they were capable, she knew exactly how dangerous they really were, she doubts Rohan knows how dangerous his father and brother really are and to what extent they will go to ruin his life, just because he chose to be different.

"Did anyone see you both?".

Arjun glared at Abhi, "Of course not, we are not stupid like you".

Abhi curled his fingers into a fist trying to stop himself from punching Arjun, Abhi hated both the Nanda brothers and their attitude, Arjun and Rohan might hate each other's guts, but that won't change the fact that both the brothers were extremely similar to each other, with their anger and attitude problems.

Tanya saw Abhi's curled fists and knew if Arjun said anything else to him he will burst, so she spoke, "Umm, may I ask why you both are here?".

Arjun turned to Tanya, "We are here because your boyfriend failed".

"I didn't fail!" Abhi yelled.

"Yes you did Abhi" Ashok Nanda said, speaking for the first time since entering Abhi and Tanya's room, "Shanaya and Rohan have managed to find their way back to each other, you failed to separate them Abhi, you failed".

"Shanaya and Rohan aren't together, Rohan still hates her, she's only with him so he can take his revenge from her" Abhi said.

"It didn't seem like that at the police station" Arjun retorted.

Abhi looked at Arjun in confusion, "What?".

"I saw them at the police station Abhi, and it didn't seem like to me that Rohan hated Shanaya, hell he even got furious when he saw the bruise you left on Shanaya's wrist, if you hate someone their pain gives you happiness doesn't make you furious".

Abhi looked at Arjun in shock, "I left a bruise on Shanaya's wrist?".

Arjun glared at Abhi, "That's not the point here you asshole, the point is you failed, your stupid planning failed, Rohan and Shanaya are back to being happy, which means its time I take things in my own hand".

Abhi looked at Arjun in uncertainty, "What are you going to do Arjun?".

"As long as Shanaya is in the picture, she will keep pulling Rohan out the darkness, she will keep healing him, keep pushing him to follow his dreams, meaning she needs to go".

"What do you mean she has to go, what the fuck are you going to do Arjun?!".

"I'm going to kill her" Arjun stated, smirking at Abhi, "I'm going to kill Shanaya".

Revenge Over Love? ~ Varun & Alia (✔)Where stories live. Discover now