Chapter 39: Romance Or Death?

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The much awaited event in the music industry had officially started, the event for Rockstar Ro's first ever album launch in India had began, all the guests had started to pile in and congrats Rohan on his achievement, Rohan tried his best to engage with as many guest as he could, but the truth was, no matter how much he tried, Rohan couldn't get himself to focus, his eyes kept darting towards the stairs, impatiently waiting for his nerd to arrive, he wanted to know what her answer is, he wanted to know if she is wearing the ring or not.

"Dude, stop staring at the stairs like that, Shanaya will be here soon" Jeet said, walking over to a tense Rohan, along with Rajat.

"Why is she taking this long?" Rohan snapped, "Oh my god, what if she's in her room thinking of the nicest way she could reject me, she doesn't want me anymore, why would she want me, I messed up so badly, how could I except her to accept me, god I'm such an idiot".

"Rohan relax" Rajat said, cutting Rohan's ramble off, "You're not an idiot, you're just a guy hopelessly in love with a girl, who your too scared to lose, trust me I know that feeling, been there, done that".

Rohan looked at Rajat in confusion, "Wait, you're also in love with Shanaya?".

Rajat shook his head at his friends stupidity, "Not Shanaya, Rhea, remember when we used to date back in the day?".

"Right" Rohan said, looking between both his best friends in sympathy, knowing fully well that both of them were in love with Rhea, yet none of them made a move on her scared they would lose the other's friendship.

If Jeet was to be honest, after Rohan left, somehow his feelings for Rhea also left, he realised he didn't really love Rhea, he was just attracted to her, to her loud and bubbly personality, which was a given, any sane guy would be attractive to a girl like that, but calling that attractiveness love, was just wrong. 

The day Rohan had told Jeet and Rajat about Shanaya's decision to tell him the future of their relationship on tonight's event, Jeet decided this was also the perfect time to tell Rajat his not in love with Rhea, and to give Rajat the slight push he needs to tell Rhea his feelings, because Jeet knows, after leaving Abhi and becoming this brand new Rajat, Rajat had manged to reenter Rhea's heart, but she refused to tell him that as she didn't want history to repeat itself, she didn't want what happened to Abhi, Rohan and Shanaya, happen to Jeet, Rajat and Rhea, but Jeet promises, tonight it won't be only Rohan and Shanaya reuniting, Rajat and Rhea will also be getting their happy ending.

"Rohan, my man!". 

The three best friends turned around to face the new voice, "Veer Malhotra" Rohan laughed, walking up to Veer and hugging him.

"Dude, awesome job with the decoration, this venue looks beautiful, going to be honest with you, did not except such an amazing job from you" Veer teased.

"Yeah well, I didn't do all this" Rohan said, "This whole event is organised by Shanaya".

"Oh Bhabhi ji has done all this, explains a lot" Veer said.

Rohan laughed, "Shut up idiot, and come, let me introduce you to my friends".

"Lead the way" Veer said.

"Rajat, Jeet, meet Veer Malhotra" Rohan introduced, "Veer, these are my best friends, Jeet Khurana and Rajat Mridul".

"Heard so much about you two, so glad to finally put faces to the people who have tolerated this idiot since collage" Veer said, shaking Jeet and Rajat's hand.

"Oh I like him already" Jeet teased, laughing along with Rajat.

"Well I've met your friends, now when do I meet the girl whose managed to steal your heart" Veer asked Rohan.

Revenge Over Love? ~ Varun & Alia (✔)Where stories live. Discover now