Chapter 14: Where Did I Go Wrong?

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After the whole spicy noodles drama, Rohan had left the room to go god knows where, Shanaya knew this was the perfect opportunity to fill Rhea in about everything that had happened so far, only she can help Shanaya figure out what she needs to do next, so she grabbed her phone and dialled Rhea's number.

"Finally you called, I've been worried sick since you left the orphanage, and on top of that Rajat and Jeet have been eating my brains asking me all these stupid questions, no joke its come to the point where I've legit locked myself in my room".

Shanaya laughed at Rhea's complaining, "Well hello to you to Miss Dialdas".

"Don't hello me Singhania, just tell me are you okay, please tell me Rohan didn't do anything stupid in his anger".

"Quick question, what does okay mean in your dictionary?".

"What kind of stupid question is that Shanaya, okay means okay, tell me are you still in one piece or not?".

"I'm in one piece Rhea".

"Rohan didn't hurt you?".

"Does making me stand in the cold shower for four hours count as him hurting me?".

"He did what now!".

Shanaya let out a sigh and went on to telling Rhea everything that had occurred since Rohan had dragged her from the orphanage, from the cold shower, to cleaning Rohan's room, Rohan bandaging her finger thinking she was asleep, and him telling her why he left.

"Wait back up, so your telling me Rohan left you to protect you from someone?".

"Yeah that's what Rohan told me".

"Do you think his telling the truth?".

"I believe him Rhea, he has no reason to lie to me".

"But he has no reason to tell you the truth either Shanaya".

"I know following this lead might be risking, Rohan could be playing a game with us Rhea but right now this is all we have".

"I hate it when your right Shanaya, but tell me what exactly are you planning to do with this lead?".

"As of now nothing, I called you for something else".

"And what will that something else be?".

"I need you to find Abhi for me".

"What!, Have you lost the plot, don't you have enough problems in your life right now that you want to now go and find the biggest problem of all".

"Look Rhea, I don't like this as much as you, maybe even more, but something tells me when we find Abhi we will find all the answer we are looking for".

"Hold up, you think Rohan left because of Abhi?".

"I don't know Rhea, but you and me both know there is no way Abhi doesn't have anything to do with all this, plus even Rohan said it".

"What the fuck did Rohan say again?", Shanaya went on to tell Rhea the time Rohan mentioned Abhi.

It's you who wouldn't admit how you joined hands with Abhi and played with my feelings.

"Fine, you might be on to something here, but Shanaya you tell me, where the hell am I suppose to find Abhi, the last time anyone saw him was on the competition day".

Shanaya was shocked hearing Rhea, "Wait up, Abhi disappeared the same day as Rohan?".

"Well yeah, I remember it was such a huge deal for everyone in St Teresa, they were all left wondering as to where the hell did the two rivals disappear to".

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