Chapter 33: We Aren't Meant To Be

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"I can't do this" Rohan panicked, "I shouldn't be here, she doesn't want to meet me, there's no way she wants to meet me, she hates me".

"Rohan you can't avoid her forever" Dimple said.

"And trust me, she definitely wants to see you" Charlie said.

"And how do you know that?" Rohan asked Charlie.

"Because the first thing she said when she woke up, was your name" Charlie revealed.

Rohan looked at Charlie in shock, for some reason his heart refused to believe that despite everything he has done, Shanaya still wanted anything to do with him, which is why he was standing outside her hospital room, refusing to go inside and face Shanaya, in his mind the more he delayed going to Shanaya, the more he delayed the obvious end of his and Shanaya's relationship.

"You were probably hearing things" Rohan mumbled.

Charlie sighed, "I assure you I wasn't hearing things, but seriously Rohan, you can't avoid Shanaya forever".

"I can try" Rohan whispered.

"Rohan what are you so scared of?" Charlie asked, "What do you think is going to happen if you meet Shanaya?".

Rohan sighed and slumped down on the hospital chair, "If I don't meet her, then there's still hope in my heart that Shanaya will forgive me, but as soon as I go to her, all the hope will disappear".

"You think Shanaya won't forgive" Charlie realised.

"I know she won't forgive me" Rohan stated.


"No Charlie" Rohan said, "You didn't see the look on her face when Arjun was telling her the truth, she looked so heartbroken and I could see it in her face that I had broken her trust, questioned her love, and if I've learnt anything about Shanaya while being in love with her is that for her, trusts means more then love, for her if there is no trust then there is no love".

Dimple sighed and kneeled infront of Rohan, "Look Rohan, you and me both know, you messed up, you hurt Shanaya when all she ever did was love you unconditionally, time and time again Shanaya has proven how much she loves you, and now it's your turn, I admit there is a high chance Shanaya will push you away, but Rohan you can't give up, whenever you pushed Shanaya away, she never gave up on you, so you can't give up on her, the roles have reversed now, before Shanaya was trying to prove her love to you and now it's your turn to prove your love to her, I admit, it won't be easy, you have hurt her a lot, but if your love is true, then you and Shanaya will reunite, yeah it will take some time, but she loves you, she will always love you, your just going to have work for her to admit it again".

"You think she will forgive me?" Rohan whispered, looking at Dimple with teary eyes.

Dimple nodded, "Eventually".

"You know, for her to forgive you, your going to have to go talk to her" Charlie said, giving Rohan a sympathetic smile.

Rohan nodded, he got up from his seat and nervously rubbed his hands against his jeans and slowly approached Shanaya's room, he grabbed the door handle and after taking a deep breath, he entered Shanaya's room.

Entering Shanaya's room, Rohan's eyes immediately landed on the girl he loves, she was still hooked to wires, but not as many as before, her skin had gained some colour, but she still looked weak, Shanaya was sat up on the bed, reading a book Charlie had gotten for, completely unaware of the storm going around in Rohan's head.

 "Shanaya" Rohan said, gaining Shanaya's attention.

Hearing Rohan's voice, Shanaya froze, for a second her mind went blank, she didn't know what to do, she didn't know if she turns to him or ignores him, finally collecting her thoughts, Shanaya slowly looked up into Rohan's eyes and was immediately met with guilt, as soon as Shanaya looked into Rohan's eyes Shanaya saw the immense guilt he felt, for a second Shanaya wanted to forget everything and fall into his arms, but she knew better, she knew she couldn't, this time it was Rohan's turn to prove that he deserves her love.

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