2 🤹‍♂️

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A couple days passed and even though Jimin thought things would have changed, they didn't. That very morning Yungwon had ignored the meal he prepared for him and cooked himself a bowl of noodles. When Jimin tried to ask why, the boy just scoffed and told him to leave him alone.

Now a new emotion ran through Jimin.


He was afraid to put his foot down. What if he screamed and shouted at him and caused things to get worse? Would Yungwon run away? He was the parent. He wasn't going to act like a child who screamed and had malice. But what could he do?


Jimin looked up from some vegetables he was cutting up.

"Compliments to the chef. Again! How much is that now? Like a thousand?" Tae playfully grumbled.

"A thousand? Yes please. I'll take a cheque," Hobi held his hand out to Tae as he stepped in. Jimin giggled.

"Hey guys," A tall, handsome man stepped in through the kitchen back door.

"Namjoon! What's up man? Looking to help?" Tae said as he held up a platter.

The man laughed, showing his cute dimples, "I'm just here to see Jin and see how everyone is doing."

"Hey Joon."

"Joonie Moonie! Jin is in his office," Hobi sang.

It seemed Jin heard his husband's name and quickly came out to see. They both smiled widely as they looked at each other.

"No PDA in the kitchen!" Tae yelled as he fake gagged.

"You are so jealous. Do you want a kiss?" Hobi puckered up.

"Eww! Not from you!" Tae backed up.

Jimin shook his head at them and continued to work.

"Chim? You are quiet. You are usually more cheerful when you see me. What happened? Found a replacement so soon?" Namjoon smiled.

Jimin turned to look at him. Jin was getting all cuddly in his arms and he smiled at them.

"No. Just, I have a lot on my mind, sorry. How was your trip?" Jimin shrugged.

"What's wrong?" Joon ignored his question.

"It's nothing."

Tae stopped bickering with Hobi and answered, "His son is stressing him out."

Hobi slapped him, "I wish you would shut up sometimes."

"What's going on with Yungwon?"

Jimin turned to Jin with pleading eyes.

"Come Joonie. I'll tell you okay. Leave him be for now." Jin dragged a reluctant Namjoon into his office.

Jimin went back to work.

After a while, they finally came out. Obviously they'd been making out.

"Chim? We'd like to take Yungwon for the weekend. We are his Godparents after all."

Jimin glanced up at them. He made no protest. It wouldn't have been the first time and he trusted them. He only nodded.

"Also, I have two tickets for the amusement park that's here now. Go. That's an order. And I want to see the armband they put on you as proof," Joon informed him.

"I'm not going."

"Yes you are."

Jimin glared at him.

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