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Jungkook had devised a plan to get to Jimin. But it seemed his plan had some minor setbacks.

He was excited when be had learned that Jimin was actually the chef who cooked his favourite meal so deliciously. He felt as if everything was coming together. He questioned the waiter, Taehyung, subtly about the chef. He learned that Jimin had actually gone on day shift and wouldn't cook his meal anymore.

So, he decided he would just have to visit the restaurant in the day. At first he visited because they had the best food but now his interest was mostly because of Jimin. He really wanted to get to know the stunning man.

He realized he had been thinking a lot about Jimin for the past few days. Jikari was also contributing to that since she asked about Mr. Jimin constantly.

He was currently seated in the restaurant. He had made sure to tell his assistant that as of today he would be having lunch out of office.

Jungkook was an orthodontist with his own growing practice. He was basically called in for more major cases that his other colleagues needed his assistance on. So he had flexible hours to spend as much time as he could with Jikari. In addition to that, he had two hours in the day to try to see Jimin.

He didn't have Taehyung as a waiter though, so he couldn't get anymore information.

When his food came, he devoured it with fervour. Loving the delicious flavours, he almost moaned. Compliments to the chef.

The waiter came to clean the table and gave him his bill when he was finished.

"Excuse me, could I please meet the chef? I'd love to give my compliments in person," Jungkook tried.

The middle aged man smiled at him and nodded, quickly rushing off.

He knew there was a possibility that Jimin would decline and not come out. But when the kitchen door opened and the small man stepped out, his heart began to pound. He felt like he had a giddy high school crush.

He watched as Jimin's eyes scanned the place and found him. He quickly walked over.

"I heard you enjoyed your meal." Jimin said quietly when he reached him as he looked down.


The man met Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook frowned. Jimin's nose was slightly red and his eyes were puffy.

"You've been crying again."

Jimin only nodded. Jungkook sighed.

"I wish you'd tell me what's bothering you," he wanted to hold his hand but refrained.

"You can't help me." Jimin almost whispered. "I'm going back to work if there is nothing else," he turned to leave.

"Jimin. Why are you being so cold? I understand it's hard to trust nowadays but you haven't even given me a chance. Please, just give me your number. What time do you get off?" Jungkook felt frustrated.

Jimin stared hard at him. Like he was searching his soul and sweeping his brain. Jungkook almost felt nervous. Wanting to make Jimin comfortable, he smiled just a little.

Jimin just sighed. He shook his head a little, turned and walked away.

Jungkook felt like someone had just squeezed his lungs. His stomach churned and he burned to yell at the blond man walking away from him. But he didn't.


Jimin got home and saw Cara, the sitter, in the living room.

"Hey Cara. Thank you," Jimin smiled as the girl turned and saw him.

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