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After a few hectic weeks, things had died down a bit. There were still no leads on where Kara's boy friend had run off to and both JK and the police were losing hope of ever finding him.

Jungkook and Jikari were doing a whole lot better though. Mostly because they had Jimin and Yungwon. They spent a lot more time at each other's houses.

In the few weeks after jikari's ordeal, they had realised she only slept well when Jimin was around. So Jimin always had to be around, much to Jungkook's delight. But after a while, she stopped having nightmares often and would sleep well alone more often than not.

They were so focused on the kids that they both pushed the fact that they liked each other to the back of their minds. Although, little instances would always make their hearts flutter, they were both content with the way things were.

They had created new memories together, taking the kids skating or to the beach. They would visit amusement parks or go to the movies. It made them happy seeing their kids all excited and giddy. They were proud parents. Their kids were both excelling in school and were happy at home. It was almost picture perfect.

Nana had gotten much better and she had asked to take both kids for the weekend. So that left Jimin and Jungkook alone...together. Somehow Jimin felt that YW had something to do with it since he was so adamant on playing match maker. But Jimin was too scared to make a move because of his last rejection and even though JK was sweet to him, he didn't make a move either.

Jimin would flush every time he called him sweetheart. It made him think they were already in a relationship. His tummy would do flips every time JK pushed his hair back from his face, wanting to see his eyes. Or when he would kiss his forehead every once in a while. His heart would flutter when JK's fingers would graze his cheek softly, staring at his lips with an intensity Jimin had never known. His hugs were home and his cuddles were heavenly.

Jimin wondered if he could remain friends with him without bursting from the seems with love and adoration.

Jungkook was everything he wanted and more. His heart yearned to be with him and so did his body. But he held back, too scared to even think of messing up what they had now.

Jungkook was the same. He was working up every nerve to ask the shorter to be his. But every time he did he held back. What if things didn't work out? They would lose everything they had together and that terrified him. He didn't want to lose Jimin or Yungwon. They were basically family now.

They'd known each other almost a year now. Coincidentally both Jik and YW were born in December. They had expressed that they wanted their party to be held together.

Jungkook frowned, remembering that these past few weeks had led Jimin to miss his birthday in September and he felt guilty that he was so distant that he hadn't even wished Jimin happy birthday in October. He could remember Jimin had called him a few times but he was so busy he didn't have the chance to pick up. He felt fucked up that he hadn't even remembered the shorter's special day.

"Ji?" They were both at Jimin's house, cuddling while watching tv. Jimin hummed in response.

JK kissed his ear as he held him tighter, legs tangled together, "I'm sorry I missed your birthday sweetheart."

Jimin perked up, "Oh my!" He scrambled out of JK's hold and ran to his room.

Jungkook sat up, confused, "Jimin?"


Jungkook waited a few moments before he saw Jimin come out with a nicely wrapped gift.

"I totally forgot to give you your gift Kookie. I'm sorry." Jimin smiled and sat beside him, placing the blue box on his lap.

"Jimin...I...you didn't have to. I was so caught up that I didn't get you anything. I can't accept this. I feel awful." Jungkook muttered sadly.

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