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"I'm Jungkook by the way," they had just put Jikari on another ride.

"Oh, I'm really sorry to ruin your night with your daughter Jungkook." Jimin looked down.

Jungkook chuckled. "Jikari and I are enjoying your company. There was no intrusion so don't worry about it."

Jimin smiled and nodded as they both turned to look at the squealing girl. She waved enthusiastically at them with a big grin.

They both waved at her while laughing. Jungkook took pictures and Jimin remembered Namjoon and Jin's threats. So he asked Jungkook to take him a few pictures as well.

Jimin posed goofily and Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was being as he snapped the pictures.

They were both looking at the pictures when Jikari ran up to them.

"Excuse me," she smiled brightly as she  looked at them. Then she focused her attention to her father. "Daddy, can we all get cotton candy please?"

"Of course beautiful. Let's go shall we?"

They all headed over to the booth. Jikari was buzzing with glee as she looked at all the colours. "Blue, green, yellow, red and pink! Which one will you get Mr. Jimin?"

Jimin looked thoughtful for a second then pointed to the blue one, "I like the blue one. How about you?"

"Well I like pink. But I'd like to try the red one. Daddy? May I choose for you?" Jungkook nodded at the little girl, "Sure."

Jikari stepped up to the man at the booth, "Good evening mister. I'd like three cotton candies please. Red, yellow and blue."

Jimin stood in awe as the little girl collected and distributed the candy to them.

"That will be 3 dollars young lady," the man said.

Jungkook quickly handed her a 5 dollar bill.

"Here I have 5 dollars and you want 3," she held up five fingers and brought down 3 fingers, "That leaves me with 2 dollars. So I should get back two dollars," she quickly handed the man the money and collected her change, making sure it was right then handed it to her dad.

Jimin was absolutely astonished while Jungkook just ate his candy unbothered. Jimin started to feel sad. Jikari was so precious. It seemed as if Jungkook had it all together and was doing a great job. While he was failing miserably.

As they walked aimlessly, Jimin started to slow down. He started to think about his son once more.

"Mr. Jimin? Why are you crying? Did we do something to make you sad? Do you not like the blue candy? I can give you mine if you like," Jikari looked up at him with big, worried eyes, offering up her half eaten cotton candy.

Jimin hadn't realized he had been crying. He quickly wiped his face, "Oh, you sweet girl. I'm okay. I just remembered something sad. It's okay."

Jungkook eyed him, "Jik, how about another ride so Mr. Jimin and I can have a big people talk?"

"Okay. I hope you'll feel better Mr. Jimin."

Jimin smiled and nodded. He watched as Jungkook took her to another ride. But then he dumped the candy and walked quickly to the exit. No way was he going to ruin their night with his pathetic behaviour.

He went to his car in the parking lot and broke down once more. He hated how much he loved to cry. But he didn't care, he bawled his eyes out, glad it was night time and nobody was really in the parking lot.

It seemed like hours he just sat there with rivers running from his eyes. Just then a knock sounded on his window. He basically jumped out of his skin. His heart beat rapidly as he turned to see Jungkook staring in at him.

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