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On his face.

Dripping down.

Tears? Tears.

No. Rain. It was the rain. In that instant it pelted his skin. Big heavy drops imitating his heartbeat.

His brain was at odds on what to feel as his arms fell to his sides.

Jimin shook his head. His confusion blossoming full force. He rubbed his forehead.

They were standing in the rain, just staring at each other.


"I'm...Yungwon's father."

"What? How? I don't understand." Jimin swallowed. How should he feel?

"I...I found out about two years ago. It was a one time thing. I didn't know she was pregnant. She came to me one day and told me." Jungkook sighed. He could see the no emotion on Jimin's face.

"What the hell is happening?" Jimin rubbed his forehead in frustration. He turned away from the taller. "Jungkook." Jimin felt his eyes burn. What was happening?

He spun around, "I..." Jimin sighed. He promised himself not to over think so much. He needed to be an adult and not make impulsive decisions without knowing everything. He dropped on a lounge chair.

"Baby, say something please." Jungkook pleaded, sitting beside him.

"Just...from the beginning. Explain to me please." Jimin breathed. The rain had calmed a little and was only lightly dewing.

Jungkook inhaled and nodded, "Okay. Well when I was in high school I was really confused. I didn't think twice about dating girls even though it didn't quite feel right. When I started college I started to question everything. You know, college exposes you to different things. I was really curious. I...I had sex with a girl and then with a guy. At the time I considered myself bisexual. I still wasn't sure which gender I preferred." Jungkook sighed. He looked at Jimin. He had no expression at all. It was like he was staring into a void.

Jungkook continued, "The girl I had sex with got pregnant. But I didn't know. She had just disappeared."

"How do you know he's yours?"

"She was a virgin."

"How do you know?"

"Because...Because she was my best friend. It was both our first time. I saw her blood and everything."

Jimin looked at him, "Your best friend?"

"Yes. She liked me and offered to help me sort out my feelings. At the time it seemed like a good idea. I didn't even use a condom. It was impulsive." Jungkook sighed heavily, rubbing water from his face.

"So how did you find out?"

"She told me. She found me one day and told me I had a son. She told me I at least deserved to know."

Jimin's eyes burned, "So this...us...was only a ploy for you to get close to Yungwon?"

"What? No." JK sighed. "I went to the orphanage she said she had left him and got your information."

"Isn't that supposed to be confidential?"

"Uh...yes. I paid some money for it. I just really wanted to see him. Maybe even get to know him. That's...that's when I learned where you worked and started visiting."

Jimin gasped, "You basically stalked me. You planned all this!"

"Jimin please just listen to me."

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