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Jimin was once again floored by the beauty of Jungkook's home. The outside back yard was just as beautiful as the inside of the house. It was spacious with a shed directly in sight as you stepped out. The pool was to the right and a mini playground and cubby house was to the left where the children were giggling and playing happily.

Jimin smiled at how happy they were. He was happy too. He suddenly felt a sense of completeness wash over him as he held Jungkook's hand, fingers laced together, and watched their children. He felt a longing to actually have that, not only for him but for his son too.

"Want to go sit?" JK asked gently.

Jimin nodded, still deep in thought. As the taller tugged him, there was a large part of him that wished Jungkook liked him as more than a friend. Yes, he liked Min Yoongi, he was cute and all but Jungkook made him feel things. Things he had only felt with his first love.

His heart would flutter at the intensity in JK's eyes. Every time he was near his heart would speed up. When they held hands little critters would dance across his skin. When they hugged, he felt safe and warm.

"...awfully quiet."

"Huh?" Jimin blinked.

"What are you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?" Jungkook smiled.

Jimin looked down as a pink hue spread across his cheeks, "Um...just...uh thinking."

They were both sitting on a lounge chair in front of the pool. Even though there were several of them, JK had pulled him down to sit beside him on one.

"Do you want to talk about it?" JK began rubbing the smaller's back.

Jimin giggled and shook his head.

"Daddy look!" Jikari yelled from across the yard.

Yungwon was pushing her on a swing and she was going dangerously high.

"Please be careful! Not so high!" Jimin panicked a little and was about to get up when JK placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax ba-" he swallowed, "It's okay. She's really good. I've pushed her higher."

Jimin looked at him as if he was crazy, "Are you insane? That's too high Jungkook! She could slip and fall off!"

Jungkook chuckled at how cute he looked. His heart swelled at the sight of Jimin's motherly side coming out for his own child. It made him giddy. "Okay fine. If it makes you feel better," he turned and called out, "Jik, Yungie? Want to go into the pool now?"

"Yes!" Yungwon yelled, trying to slow down the swing for Jikari to get off.


"Jik can swim right?" Jimin bit his bottom lip. He was being a bit protective but he couldn't help it.

JK laughed,"You're worrying too much sweetheart. But yes, she can swim." JK gently pulled Jimin's bottom lip from between his teeth. He badly wanted to lean in and take it between his own, but he resisted. He wanted Jimin to know he liked him but he felt it was a little too soon. He didn't want to scare the sensitive guy away. But they were making progress, he smiled at the fact that Jimin barely reacted when he called him sweetheart. Maybe he can call him baby too without it being a big deal. He wanted Jimin to be his. His baby. It was a special name and Jimin was already a special guy to him.

Jimin nodded at him and got up, needing to get away from how intense JK was staring at his lips. He walked to the kids, flustered. "I'll get the kids changed," he said as he followed Jikari and Yungwon inside. His heart was beating way too fast.

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