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"Okay Jimin. This is getting out of hand! I can't believe you!"

Jimin looked at his best friend bewildred, "Do I even want to know what you are upset about now?"

Jin huffed, "You have been on cloud nine for a while now and haven't even told me- your best friend- why! I'm hurt!"

Jin had followed Jimin to the locker room after his shift.

Jimin rolled his eyes and sighed. He might as well tell him. "How about we go get some coffee and I'll tell you everything, hmm?"

Jin looked flabbergasted, "Everything? I knew it! You better be buying you secret keeping twerp!" He walked off, "Meet me at the door in five."

Jimin smiled and shook his head. He knew how protective Jin was, that's why he was always so inquisitive. He checked his phone, secretly hoping to see a text or missed call from JK. But there was none. He was a bit disappointed, but not too much since he knew he had work. He gathered all his things and closed his locker. He really wanted to just go home and get some rest, but he knew Jin wouldn't let him live if he did.

So he made his way out and spotted Jin by the back door.

"How about we go to that coffee shop down the road?" Jin called to him. He nodded and followed Jin out.

They walked slowly in silence before Jin broke it, "How is Yungwon?"

Jimin lit up brightly with a dazzling smile. Jin was surprised. He halted, "Woah! You look like you just ate your favourite meal!"

Jimin giggled, "Actually Jin, Yungie and I made up. Let's get seated and I'll tell you."

Jin nodded as they headed into the cute little coffee shop. They both ordered and got their beverage then made their way to seats in a corner.

"So," Jin sipped his coffee, "What has been happening? I'm so glad you are back to your happy self."

Jimin smiled and nodded, "Well, I can't believe I didn't pick up on this before but...Jin...Yungie is gay." He looked at the other man to gauge his reaction.

Jin nodded, then suddenly he frowned, "Wait. What?"

Jimin nodded vigorously, "You heard right my friend."

Jin looked confused, "Jimin...I thought you already knew that."

Jimin blinked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Wasn't it obvious though? He didn't say anything but you can tell that he's kind of different. I thought you could tell too. Must be my mother hen instincts. But I'm glad he opened up to you," Jin smiled.

Jimin scoffed, "Why didn't you say something to me? All this heartache could have been avoided Mother Jin!"

Jin looked at him horrified, "This isn't my fault! I thought you could already tell you twerp!"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Whatever. We're good now. Plus, he has been going to piano lessons. Jin! I kid you not...his tutor is so hot!"

Jin smiled. He hadn't heard his friend talk about someone this way in a long time. His heart swelled with joy. Jimin was finally getting out there again. "Wooo, tell me more!"

"His name is Min Yoongi. He's so handsome. I hadn't been attracted to someone in a while. But with him it was different. I felt like a nervous little school girl Jin. He even compliments me sometimes. Almost like he's into me too." Jimin smiled dreamily. He knew he should have told Jin about Jungkook too. But apart of him wanted to keep his new handsome friend all to himself. If he was honest, he had felt all those things with Jungkook first. But they were just friends and he didn't want to ruin that.

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