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Everything was going very well. Jimin and YW were now basically best buds again. His friends at work saw a drastic change in him. He was back to his happy, bubbly self and they loved it. JK was right there with him being a great friend. They'd text everyday, sometimes calling and talking for long hours during the night. Other times they'd face time and include the children who got along so well together. They had planned to meet up for that ice cream play date they had made a few weeks back. But today, Jimin was taking YW to his first piano lesson.

After talking to his son, he had expressed an interest in wanting to learn how to play. So Jimin had signed him up for a class. He had taken a late break and picked up YW from school to take him there.

"Are you excited?" Jimin asked as he parked the car in front of the building.

"And nervous," the boy said as he nodded.

"Really? It's your first day. I'm sure you'll do great. Let's go."

They headed into the building and up to the information desk.

"Hi. I'm here for my son's piano lessons. I signed up online. Park Jimin." Jimin smiled at the pretty lady at the desk.

She smiled back and nodded. Tapping away at her computer she then looked up, "Okay hi Yungwon. Your tutor will be Mr. Min. That's in room 4. Just go down this hall and the second door on your left." She nodded at Jimin.

"Thank you." He guided his son to the door and they went in.

"Hello sir. Are you Mr. Min?" Jimin saw a man with his back turned, hunched over the piano.

The man turned around. Jimin felt his heart beat a little faster. Damn! He was so hot!

"Hello there. You must be Park Jimin and Park Yungwon. Nice to meet you. I'm Min Yoongi. I'll be your son's tutor." He came forward and shook Yungwon's hand then reached for Jimin's.

"Oh, um, yes. Nice to meet you," Jimin shook his hand quickly. He was a little flustered. Yoongi had mint green hair and a gummy smile. Jimin almost swooned. He was so cute.

Yungwon could see his father checking out the other male and he smirked knowingly. It was the first time he actually saw his father look at someone with stars in his eyes. It was quite amusing considering Jimin had never ever dated anyone since he had adopted him. He decided he would have to get to know Mr. Min first before he decided if he wanted to play matchmaker or not.

Yoongi was surprised at how beautiful the man before him was. His elegant features were too perfect. Yoongi had never seen a guy quite like Park Jimin. He wondered if he was gay and single. He calmed his thoughts and focused on the man's son.

"So, do you have any experience?"

YW shook his head, "I don't but I'm a fast learner and I've been studying online and looking at YouTube videos."

"Well that's good then. Let's get to it. We'll start with the basics." Yoongi then turned to Jimin, "Are you staying?"

Jimin flushed and shook his head, "No I'll be back to get him later," he waved to his son.

Yoongi smiled at him, Jimin almost choked and quickly rushed out. He really didn't have anything to do and had just planned to go home and come back later.

He hopped in his car and fished out his phone.

Jimin: Kookie! You won't believe this!

Jimin texted Jungkook. He smiled a little at the nickname he had given him. JK had liked it a lot so he continued to use it. After a couple minutes, his phone dinged.

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