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A couple weeks passed and things had kind of been awkward between Jimin and JK. They would talk on the phone but not as long as before. They would leave the kids over for sleepovers but they wouldn't stay for long. It was pretty strange. It was like they were both walking on egg shells.

That happened for a while until Jimin didn't hear from Jungkook at all. He would text and call and not get a response. He wanted to stop by his house but he didn't know if that was his place anymore. It was crazy since they were so close before this.

Yungwon would always ask about Jik and JK too. He missed them and so did Jimin.


Jimin hummed. He was making dinner with his son in the kitchen that night.

"Why don't you and Kookie go out without Jikari and me?" He asked.

Jimin smiled, "We are just friends love."

"So? Friends go out together. I think you would have fun." Yungie shrugged.

"I...I guess we could. I never really thought about it," Jimin felt bad for lying to his son, but he didn't know what else to say.

"Well you should. I like Kookie. You two look great together. Plus he likes you. Jik and I get along great. I think we would be a great family."

Jimin was shocked, "Wait what? Slow your roll buddy. No one said anything about making us a family."

"I know but haven't you ever thought about it? I really like Kookie. He makes you happy. Jikari loves you. She told me she wished she could see you everyday. Plus Kookie told me he likes you. So why not?" The boy looked at his father inquiringly.

"Baby that's just not how it works. We're just friends. We...we dont know each other like that. He might like me but maybe he's not interested in me in that way. You have to understand," Jimin tried. He was puzzled. He didnt know his son was thinking like that.

"Well how will you know if you don't try? I know how it works dad, I read a lot. You guys have known each other for almost 9 months. I think it's time you guys take a step up and start dating and become boyfriends. Jik and I won't be kids much longer and you guys are moving a tad too slow. Call him, set it up or I will tell Uncle Jin." Yungwon folded his arms and stuck out his chin.

What in the world..."Are you threatening me?" Jimin was so surprised.

"Come on dad. I know you like him."

Jimin spluttered. "Fine. I'll do it!" He pouted playfully as YW grinned at him.

They enjoyed the rest of their evening, cooking, having dinner and watching a movie together.

It was after 9 when Jimin got out of the shower after taking time to convince himself to call JK. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Things had been strained lately and Jimin was afraid their bond had been broken.

He slipped on a pair of boxers and settled comfortably in bed before switching on his phone and searching for Jungkook's contact.

Previously it would have probably been on top in the most recent, but he had to scroll a bit to see it. He sighed, collecting his thoughts. He dialled the number and it rang several times. Jimin thought it would go without an answer but then he heard Jungkook's strained voice.


"Kookie? Hey. How are you?"

"Hey Ji. What's going on?"

Jimin frowned, "Uh...um.. I just wanted to ask you something." Jungkook didn't sound like himself. His voice was a bit hoarse and he sounded distant and annoyed.

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