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Jimin was a little sad. The holidays were basically over. It was the weekend before school would open on Monday.

YW was spending it with Jin, Namjoon and the baby. Jungkook was going back to work and that left him and Jik at home.

"Baby don't be like that. You'll see them after school." JK tried to reason. They were standing by the door, hugging before Jungkook left for work.

"I'm going to miss them. I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss this." Jimin spoke softly.

"Baby we're not going anywhere you know."

"You know what I mean Kookie!"

"How about you and Jik go shopping today? Get your mind off things for a bit?" Jungkook reached into his pocket for his wallet.

Jimin smiled, "Okay, but my treat. Love you bye!" Jimin ran away before JK could hand him any money.

JK only smiled as he pulled out his phone and transferred the cash to Jimin's account. He had been doing it secretly for the past few weeks and Jimin was none the wiser. He loved that Jimin didn't check emails.

"I love you too Ji!" He yelled back and left the house.

Jimin smiled and went to go wake up Jik for her breakfast.

"Hi baby girl." He said as he pushed into the room and saw Jik curled up in a tiny ball.

She stretched and yawned. Just like YW, Jik was also a light sleeper too.

"Go'morning Papa." She pushed back the covers and reached for a hug.

Jimin sat at the edge of the bed and pulled her in his lap, kissing her forehead. "How's my beautiful girl today? Slept well?"

Jikari nodded, nuzzling into his neck and inhaling.

Jimin giggled, "Okay. Go wash up and come down for breakfast."

"Okay Pa. I'm going." She wiggled off him and went to her bathroom.

Jimin went down to plate her breakfast and they had a wonderful bonding time.

They ate breakfast and chatted while they washed the dishes together. Then Jik wanted to play in her cubby house for a while where she was a chef and waiter while Jimin was the customer.

After that they had lunch and Jimin decided they could visit the mall. They got ready in matching outfits, both wearing light blue skinny jeans and a red sweater. It was the cutest thing. Jimin loved having a daughter. For Jikari's birthday he had bought her some earrings that he had a pair of and they decided they wanted to wear them today.

He couldn't resist taking cute selfies together and quickly sent one to JK.

JK: My beautiful babies. You guys look gorgeous as always.😍

Jimin giggled when he saw that JK immediately changed his profile picture to the picture he just sent him.

Jimin: Thanks boo. We're heading to the mall now. See you😘

He pushed his phone in his pocket and he and Jik made his way out.


"Yes sweetie?" They were in the car heading to the mall.

"Can I get a Frozen bag pack for school? It's so cool and I've always wanted one. Jenna said she's getting one and we wanted to match." Jikari spoke softly.

"But baby you already have two bag packs at home. Why do you want another?" Jimin reasoned.

"I know. But everyone has Moana bags and I wanted to be different and cool." Jikari shrugged.

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