𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀

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ISAAC LAUGHED AS THE twins failed to put their names in the Goblet of Fire. He knew that Hermione was right and that the Aging Potion wouldn't work.

He glanced at Hermione who now had a big book in her hands and was reading it. He chuckled under his breath but grinned when an idea formed in his head.

He tapped her shoulder that was farther away from him and waited for her to look at that side. When she did, Isaac grabbed her book and jogged away before she could catch him.

Hermione looked at his way now as she felt her book being taken from her hands. She looked up to find the culprit and saw Isaac grinning from ear to ear with a book in his hand that he didn't bring. She huffed and stood up, slowly walking towards him to retrieve her book back. "Isaac, come here and give me my book back."

He stubbornly shook his head and smirked at her. When she was a few meters away, he ran to the exit hoping she wouldn't catch up with him. Hermione groaned and ran after him, yelling at him to give her book back.

All the Hogwarts students in the room watched their interaction curiously. They didn't know when both of them got close and how they did, but to them it was an odd sight to see. Hufflepuff's own Golden Boy with Gryffindor's Brightest Witch of her Age. Wouldn't you think so?

Later on in the library, Isaac gave Hermione her book back when she threatened that she would hex the living daylights out of him. Since they were already in the library, they decided to read together until it was Dinner time.

"If you need me I'll be here. Come on, I think it's time we go to the Great Hall for the selection."

Hermione smiled at him and nodded. They both headed towards the Great Hall side by side, but not too close that you'd think their together. Hermione found Ron and Harry and said a farewell to Isaac. He nodded and whispered in her ear. "Meet me in the library before dinner."

She nodded and sat beside Harry and Ron. Isaac found Violet and Thomas and sat with them as they listened to the list of Champions.

"The Durmstrang champion is Victor Krum!" Everyone cheered for him and he caught a glimpse of Hermione smiling.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Evedyone cheered again as she went to Dumbledore and shook his hand.

"And the champion for Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory!" As Isaac heard that, he simply clapped for his brother as he grew worried for how dangerous the competition might be.

He sighed and saw Violet smiling at him sadly and he smiled back at her. She held her hand out and he took it for comfort. Thomas pat his friend on the back and smiled at him. "I'm sure Cedric will do great mate."

Isaac sighed and nodded his head solemnly. "I know Thomas. I just hope there won't be anything dangerous."

As they thought it was done, Isaac stood up and moved towards the door. Only for Dumbledore to say another name that came out of the Goblet of Fire.

"Harry Potter?!" Isaac looked towards the Headmaster who was already looking at Harry. Isaac looked at Harry and saw he was panicked. Isaac knew he couldn't put his name in as he wasn't even 17 yet. But how exactly was his name in there?

Isaac looked towards Ron and saw he had a mad face. He knew that Ron probably thought about it differently and sighed. He saw Hermione who was worried for Harry and felt bad for her. Based on her stories about her Hogwarts years, every single year had a dangerous quest for them.

After Dumbledore dissmissed them, Isaac excused himself from his friends and went to Hermione and Ron. Ron was rambling on to Hermione who looked concerned. Isaac moved closer to Hermione's side and whispered in her ear. "Are you alright?"

Hermione flinched away and sighed in relief when she saw Isaac. She hit him on his arm and glared slightly at him. "You better stop doing that, scaring me out of nowhere. And yes I'm fine."

"I know you're not. I know how you feel." Isaac looked at Hermione and saw she was frowning.

"You don't know how I feel Isaac."

"I'm pretty sure I do, seeing as my brother is a champion Mione." Hermione felt guilty that she forgot about Cedric. She was about to apologize but Isaac put his hand on her mouth, silencing her.

"It's alright Mione. I'm sure you have better things to think about. Like how Harry himself is feeling about this." Hermione sighed and removed his hand from her mouth. She looked infront of her as she thought about what he said.

"That's true Isaac. I can't even think about what he's thinking now. I mean, I'm sure he didn't put his name in the Goblet."

"Then how else will his name go in the Goblet Hermione? Did he ask someone else to put it in for him? What a git." Hermione and Isaac looked at him in shock as he basically bad mouthed his best friend. Hermione hit him upside his head glared at him.

"How could you say that Ronald?! Harry's our friend! He isn't like that!"

"How are you so sure he isn't? We've known him for four years Hermione! How do we know he isn't some insufferable git?"

"Maybe your the git here Weasley. If you are friends with Harry then you wouldn't be thinking that." Isaac decided to butt in as it seemed Hermione couldn't handle the hinger haired boy at the moment.

Ron glared at both of them before walking faster to the Gryffindor common room.

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