𝗤𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗔𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗼𝘁𝘀

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HERMIONE TOLD ISAAC ABOUT her plan to make a secret group that will learn Defense Against the Dark Arts with Harry. She told him to meet her in Hogsmead.

Isaac was walking side by side with her, looking for a place to hold the meeting in. They were trying to look for a secluded place that didn't have anyone in it. Hermione and Isaac talked as they walked around Hogsmead.

"What did you and Dumbledore talk about the other day?" Isaac's breath hitched as she asked that question. He remembered everything that happened and knew he couldn't tell her as he swore on the Unbreakable Vow. He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Well, Dumbledore told me not to do that again. Talking against a teacher." He lied. He didn't want to lie, but he did know that he could wait for Dumbledore's permission before he could tell her.

She seemed to be skeptical about it but soon believed him as she looked forward. "You were so brave and determined then. I thought you were a Gryffindor."

Isaac chuckled at that and shrugged. He remembered the day he was being sorted. "I was actually about to become a Gryffindor you know? The Sorting Hat told me I had a lot of qualities for a Gryffindor, but he said that I was more of a Hufflepuff."

Hermione smiled at that and looked around. "Well, remind me not to make you mad. You're scary when you are."

Isaac shrugged and grinned at her. He actually never got mad that much. They were very rare times when he got mad because he wasn't that type of person. His train of thoughts were broken when Hermione shook his arm and pointed at a building he's never seen before.

They went inside and saw that there weren't much people inside. Isaac and Hermione both grinned at each other before telling the worker they'd be going back in an hour.

"You can go to Harry and Ron and tell them about this place. I'll wait here." Hermione nodded st him and smiled before going outside and looking for her two male friends.

Isaac sighed and thought about how he feels when Hermione is there while silently humming.


Once she found Harry and Ron, she led them to the place she and Isaac found. "This is mad. Who'd want to be taught by me?"

Hermione smiled brightly at him, remembering that Isaac alsready wanted to join. "Isaac said he'd join. He said he wanted to learn from you since Professor Umbridge was doing bloody nothing to help us."

Ron looked at her with a slightly curious look, but deep down he was starting to get suspicous at how close Hermione was getting with Isaac. "What's with you and the Golden Boy anyway? Almost half of what you talk about is him."

Hermione scoffed as she turned to where the place was. "I don't talk about him half the time Ronald. Besides, he's my friend."

"You do talk about him a lot! Tell her Harry!" Harry looked between his two friends with a frown and contemplated on his answer. Hermione was talking a lot about Isaac now a days, but it wasn't that bad. They were getting closer.

"Well Hermione you do talk about him a lot...." Hermione scoffed at Harry while Ron was cheering and rubbing it in her face. She glared at Ron who simply flinched back.

"But she is getting closer to him, Ron. He's a nice guy." Hermione smiled at Harry as Ron now gaped at him. Ron didn't even know what Hermione and Harry saw nice in him. He was inexplicably kind and very mysterious to Ron.

Their bickering was cut short when they saw Isaac outside the building. He was leaning on the wall beside the door, humming a tune Hermione was familiar with. She smiled as she remembered him humming for the very first time and felt calm. And she now felt serenity course through her as he continued to hum.

Hermione soon snapped out of it and approached him with Harry and Ron tailing behind. Isaac noticed a presence near him and looked towards his left to see the Golden Trio walking towards him. He stopped humming and smiled at them. Isaac pushed himself off the wall and moved towards them, stopping once he was face to face with them.

"Took you long, Hermione. I thought you couldn't find them." Hermione smiled at him before chuckling.

"Sorry Isaac, Ron was taking a while to dress up." She glared at Ron who was looking anywhere but her. She sighed and smiled again.

"Who's supposed to be meeting us here Hermione?" She faced Harry and thought about her answer.

"Just a few friends." She shrugged before opening the door to the empty and rustic place.

"Lovely spot." They stood near the entrance awkwardly as Harry and Ron looked through the place. Hermione winced at that and replied.

"I thought it would be safer if we were off a beaten track."

•the pull of gravity | a harry potter fanfic• [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now