𝗖𝗼𝘇𝘆 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗬𝗼𝘂

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DECEMBER 22, the day the Weasley siblings as well as Harry and Isaac were going back to the Burrow for Christmas. During those two days, Isaac and Hermione found time to spend with each other.

Trying their best to be secretive and to not show that they were together, Isaac suggested they go to the Room of Requirements during their rendezvous. Hermione didn't complain though as she wanted to spend everyday with him.

The room would always transforms into a warm cozy living room, courtesy of Hermione who wanted something cozy everytime they came here. Isaac didn't mind though, as long as she was there.

Ever since that day, the new couple haven't done anything intimate. Maybe a kiss on the cheek here or a hug there, not an actual kiss though. Isaac wanted to just treasure these moments with her, holding her in his arms every night and humming a tune.

Hermione didn't mind that he didn't really want to kiss much. She was content with him just holding her and occasionally kissing her cheek. It was enough, he was enough.

It was the night before Isaac had to leave to the Burrow while Hermione had to go home. Isaac knew he was going to miss her, more than he ever did. They only recently started seeing each other and now they had to go their seperate ways for a week or two.

He sighed as he nuzzled into her long bushy hair, seeking comfort in her. Hermione noticed the change in his demeanor and tilted her head to the side, hoping to get a better look at him.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" Isaac looked into his lover's eyes, the genuine concern filling her brown eyes. He sighed, nuzzling his nose to the crown of her hair.

"A lot. One of them being a few weeks without you, love." Hermione blushed at his comment, slapping his arm in embarrassment. Isaac chuckled into her hair, kissing the crown of her hair.

Isaac then only realized what Hermione had called him earlier. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked back down to the girl in his arms. "Wait, did you call me baby?"

Hermione blinked owlishly, not actually noticing that she had indeed called him baby. Instead of blushing however, she smirked up at him playfully. "What? You don't like it?"

Isaac looked at her in surprise, not expecting her to be so bold. But regardless, he loved it. The Hufflepuff chuckled at her and shook his head.

"No, I love it actually."

Hermione giggled at him and leaned up to kiss his cheek. Isaac sighed in content, gazing into the fireplace infront of them. Hermione stared at his face, the flames framing his jaw. She smiled in delight, snuggling deeper into his embrace.

Isaac felt his eyes droop a bit, sleep finally coming to him. Hermione noticed this, so with a giggle she motioned for him to lay down on the comforter that was set infront of them. With a sleepy smile, Isaac pulled them both down to the comforter with him spooning her from behind.

Hermione sighed sleepily, enjoying this time with him. She shifted her position, now coming face to face with Isaac. She snuggled into his chest, her arms resting on his chest. He pulled her closer to himself, their legs entangling themselves with each other as they slept the night away.


The sound of the engines moving the train was the only thing you could hear in the compartment. Isaac sat alone, for the first time in his train ride. Thomas was with his girlfriend, probably snogging her senseless.

But where was Violet? She had already left for France a few days ago, saying that she had urgent family business.

He sighed to himself, a bit saddened at the situation he was in. During these days, Isaac never wanted to be alone. His own thoughts haunted him, as well as his dreams, nightmares, and his future.

He already knew what was bound to happen to him, he just didn't want to accept it. His eyes trailed, focusing on the passing trees and the perfect scenery.

The compartment door slid open, Isaac's head snapped at the sound. His gaze softened when he saw the familiar brown eyes of his lover. He gave her a warm smile, making her smile back lovingly.

Hermione sat beside him, not before closing the door and curtains. She plopped down beside him, her head falling onto his lap. Isaac chuckled a bit, his hands up in the air.

Hermione saw this and grabbed one of his hands gently and put it on her hair. Isaac sent her a confused look before running his hand through her hair, occasionally twisting a strand. She then sighed in content, her hand holding his free hand.

"Hey love..." Hermione smiled up at him, pleased with his pet name. She shifted her position, her head facing towards the other chair.

"Hey baby." Isaac smiled at her lovingly, moving down to place a chaste kiss on her forehead. Hermione giggled at him, a bit embarrassed at how loving he was.

"You're staying in the Burrow right?" Isaac nodded, a bit confused at her question. She smiled at him, reaching up and pecking his cheek.

For a while, they sat there in confortable silence. With Hermione reading a book and Isaac staring at her, still running his hands through her hair and humming a small tune. As he continued to stare, his gaze then found its way to her plump lips.

The way that she kept mumbling something to herself just made him stare even more. Hermione glanced up at him, confused as to why he abruptly stopped humming. "Isa-"

She wasn't able to finish even saying his name, as Isaac placed a hand under her head and pulled her up. His lips smashed on her plump lips, leaving Hermione speechless. Although they hadn't kissed for over three days, Hermione still felt as if they've done this for forever.

Quickly realizing that she wasn't kisisng back, Hermione moved her lips with Isaac. Her position now changing as she straddled him, her arms wrapped around his neck with a hand playing with his hair. Soon they were in a heated snogging session.

Isaac's hands stayed on her waist, cherishing the taste of her lips. Her lips tasted of cherries, his favorite fruit. A hand moved towards her brown locks, tangling themselevs in it. Hermione smiled into the kiss, happy that she was here kissing him.

They pulled away after a few minutes, their foreheads pressed together. Both were breathing heavily, out of breath from their snog. Isaac smiled lovingly at her, bringing a hand to caress her cheek. Hermione's face was flushed, with a bit of a pink tint spread across her cheeks.

She stared at his stormy grey eyes in a daze. His eyes were a bit darker now with love and passion. Hermione bit her lip, trying to hold herself back from kissing him again. Isaac saw this and grinned cheekily at her.

He then pulled her close, his lips finding their way to hers in a chaste peck. "I'll miss you a lot."

Hermione giggled at him, playing with the hair on the back of his nape. She leaned forward, giving his nose a quick peck. "I'll miss you too, love."

And with that, Hermione slowly pulled Isaac into a short nap. Both of them still in their positions, with her holding him like a koala.

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