𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗥𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀

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IT'S BEEN DAYS SINCE HE LAST SAW Hermione and the Weasley's. In the end, Isaac didn't see them again because he was focused on the match and went to a different seat with Violet.

It was the day they went back to Hogwarts and Isaac sat in a compartment with Violet and Thomas.

Thomas Gold was a half-blood. Isaac met him when they were in second year. Thomas isn't that smart so he needed Isaac to help him in Transfiguration, and Isaac being him gladly helped.

Isaac sighed as he looked out the window. He didn't know why, but he wanted to see Hermione again. He thought of an excuse to go out and once he thought of a good one, he used it.

"Hey guys. I have to ask Cedric about Quidditch." Both his best friends knew that Isaac loved Quidditch and knew that it was very important to him. So they didn't realize it was a lie and he was able to go out.

"Now where do I find the golden trio...." He mumbled to himself as he walked around the train, looking for them. After a few minutes of walking, he saw the woman who always asked him for candy and smiled at her.

The woman always gave him free candy all the time because he gave her more galleons that she needed. He moved towards her then saw Ron and Harry buying candy.

He sighed in relief now that he found the compartment they stayed at. He looked inside and saw Hermione with her nose in a book. He chuckled softly before moving inside the compartment, making sure that Ron and Harry didn't notice.

Isaac sat beside her as she read her book. He watched her read the book before chuckling and smiling at the sight. Hermione heard the chuckling and looked to her side, about to curse at Ron but saw Isaac Diggory instead.

She looked at him shocked and surprised that he was here making him chuckle again. "Hey there Hermione."

Her breath hitched as he said her name. She didn't know why he had this effect on her but she shoved it deep in her heart and smiled at Isaac. "Hello Isaac. What brings you here?"

Isaac shrugged and smiled at her. "Well, the last time we talked I really liked it. So here I am, wanting to be your friend."

She giggled at him before sighing in content. She closed her book and faced towards him. "Alright then Isaac. Why exactly do tou want to be friends with me?"

Isaac thought for a moment before chuckling and facing towards her too. "Well, you're a bookworm which I also am. I could tell you say you play by the rules but you actually don't seeing as tour with these two. You're very intelligent and trustworthy. Do you want me to continue?"

Hermione looked at him, amused that he was able to get everything right about her. She shook her head no and smiled at him. "That was a lot of traits you got from me. How were you able to do that? Are you a Legilimens?"

He chuckled at her rambling and saw that she was embarrassed. Wanting to make sure that he didn't hate it, he smiled at her and pat her head. Something he did to his closest friends. "It's alright Mione You don't need to stop your rambling, I find it rather adorable."

Hermione blushed at his comment and his sudden action. She gave him a grateful smile and looked behind him to see Ron and Harry paying. Isaac glanced behind him and saw the same thing. He sighed and looked back at her with a smile.

"I've gotta go before they see me. Meet me at the library after Lunch. We can talk then." He gave her a quick rub on the head before smilingat her and leaving the compartment.

And Hermione couldn't wait for Lunch.

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