𝗨𝗻𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀

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IT WAS A FEW MONTHS AFTER the second task and the school resumed its classes for now. The Third Task was going to occur in a week's time and everyone was excited.

Isaac was in the library with Hermione. They both had their free period so they went to meet up and hangout in the library. Hermione was helping him in Herbology as it was the subject he was the worst at.

After a few minutes he groaned and leaned back in his chair, making Hermione chuckle at him. "Is it that hard for you? Hufflepuff's are known to love these creatures."

Isaac sighed and closed his book. Yes it was known for Hufflepuff's to find this particular subject easy, but not for Isaac. He couldn't understand the weaknesses and how-to take care of these plants or magical creatures at times. "I know that. I just don't seem to get the plants for what they are."

Hermione shrugged and continued reading her book. They both did this with each other as both of the subjects their weak on are the strength of the other. Isaac sighed and propped his elbows on the table.

Hermione noticed his sudden change in mood and closed her book. She faced him and put a hand on his shoulder. "You seem distressed. What's on your mind?"

Isaac sighed and leaned back in his chair. He ran a hand through his hair and slowly faced Hermione. He pursed his lips and sighed again. "Its just... the Third Task was said to be more dangerous than the first. What exactly will the Third Task be? Will it give Cedric a major injury? What if-"

"Isaac Hugo Diggory. Look at me." He sighed and looked in her eyes. They were filled with determination and concern, maybe for him. He was mesmerized in her warm brown eyes and slowly but surely calmed down.

Hermione smiled as she felt his shoulders relax and his demeanor change. She brought him in a hug and snuggled in his chest. "You know Cedric better than anyone. He's going to be fine Isaac. As long as you cheer for him and pray to Merlin."

Isaac sighed and hugged her back, grateful he had her as a friend. It felt safe in her arms and he knew it was the best place to be. He moved back and smiled at her. "Thank you Mione. That helped."

She smiled and nodded an alright. They went back to studying after a few minutes and they enjoyed the time they had.


Isaac was sitting beside Thomas and Violet in the stands and was cheering for Cedric. After the talk with Hermione, he wasn't that worried about Cedric as much as before.

He saw Hermione a few seats away from him and was cheering for Harry beside Ron. Dumbledore was about to send them in the maze for the final task. "On the count of three. One! Two!-"

Then before he could say three, Filch already fired the canon. Dumbledore looked at his, exasperated at how many times Filch has already done things to ruin a small part of the tournament.

And so as Dumbledore morioned for them to go in, all the champions went in carefully as they heeded Dumbledore's warning. Isaac hoped nothing wrong would happen to them as he could feel a dark aura looming around the maze.


Red sparks flew earlier and they were able to get Fleur to safety. She looked battered up and her skin was littered with scratches. Isaac now felt even more worried for the well being of his brother.

He stood up and tried going down but was held back by Thomas. "Where are you going mate? The game isn't done yet."

Isaac gritted his teeth in irritation as he tried to get his arm back from Thomas' grip. He tried ripping it off but it wouldn't work. As he was about to curse at him, Harry and Cedric came back.

Everyone cheered for them, not noticing that Cedric wasn't moving. Isaac saw this and used his strength to pry free from Thomas' grip. He ran down the stairs and ran towards the two of them. He saw Harry with a look anguish as he stared at the body of Cedric Diggory. "Cedric! Cedric are you alright?!"

Harry looked up and saw Isaac slide on his knees towards Cedric's body. He tried to shake him awake but nothing happened. Isaac kept shouting his name, not believing that his brother was not responding.

Amos soon joined his youngest son as he pleaded for Cedric to wake up. Amos himself was weeping already knowing that his son was gone. He tried to tell Isaac that his brother was dead but he didn't listen. Isaac cried for his brother to wake up one last time but was met with silence.

He looked down on Cedric's lifeless body and saw that it was pale and his eyes were still open. He bit his lip as he tried to keep his tears at bay. But once he felt familiar arms wrap around his head, he couldn't hold them in anymore.

He could hear his father's screams of agony and cried even harder. He couldn't believe his older brother was dead. He heard Hermione mumbling soothing words into his ear and he clutched onto her tighter. Not wanting to lose her either.

•the pull of gravity | a harry potter fanfic• [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now