𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗔 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀

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THE DUMBLEDORE ARMY WAS IN the Room of Requirements for their third meeting. So far, everything was going well and everyone was learning more from Harry.

Recently, Umbridge became the Headmaster of the school after Dumbledore left from being brought to Azkaban. Before he did leave, Dumbledore talked to Isaac.

Ever since the Trelawney Incident where Dumbledore brought him to his office, they started having these secret talks that no one knew about. Nobody was even aware of what Isaac was doing with Dumbledore but they didn't really care much.

Except for the Golden Trio. They started getting suspicous about Isaac, especially Ron who didn't trust Isaac. Hermione tried defending him, but even she was curious.

When she tried to ask him about it, the only response she got was a small smile and a shrug. "Dumbledore just wants to ask how my parents are doing. They were close when my father was his student."

Hermione was suspicous at first but decided that she was going to trust him with this. They had other things to worry about, like the fact that Umbridge was now their Headmistress.

Today, the Dumbledore Army were going to learn how to cast the Patronus spell. Last week, they were learning how to duel properly.

During the time Ron and Hermione were about to duel, Isaac could hear Ron tell Hermione that he was going to go easy on her. Isaac snorted at that and waited for Ron to leave, before going to her and leaning down to whisper. "Go easy on the poor boy Mione."

Hermione grinned at him and slapped his arm playfully. He smirked at her and shrugged before moving to the side lines. In the end, Hermione still won and Ron was embarrased.

Isaac laughed, but stopped when he saw Hermione grin when she looked Ron. She would have looked cheeky, but Isaac could see in her eyes some sort of admiration.

He felt his heart hurt and held it in his hand. He frowned softly and thoughts raced into his mind. What is this feeling? Why is my heart suddenly aching so much?

Hermione glanced at Isaac and frowned when she saw he was holding his heart again, something that kept happening a lot recently. She moved towards him and saw that he was frowning and had his eyebrows furrowed. Hermione found it adorable but quickly brushed the thought away as she stood infront of him.

"Are you alright Isaac? Does you're chest hurt?" Isaac looked up at Hermione and gave a forced smile, though she didn't think it was forced.

"I'm quite alright Mione. Just a little tired from all the laughing." Hermione smiled at him and soon left him to stand with the girls. But that was last week, and Isaac started feeling his heart clench whenever he saw her with Ron. It irritated him to not know what the feeling was.

Now, they were all seperatley trying to conjure their Patronus with the help of Harry's comments and tips. "Think of your happiest moments!"

Isaac thought about that one time he was with his family in a picnic. Amos and Esme Diggory were laughing together as Isaac started sharing his stories during his stay in Hogwarts. Isaac felt his Patronus starting to conjure. He started grinning until a certain moment in his memory came into mind.

There Isaac was sitting with his whole family, and Cedric was there. Alive and laughing with them all. Isaac started to feel his Patronus fade as he thought about his brother. He sighed as he knew he couldn't conjure it until he got over his brother.

It seemed to him that Harry saw this as he approached him and patted his shoulder reassuringly. He smiled at Isaac and looked at him with synpathy. "You'll get there Isaac. I know it."

Isaac sighed as Harry went to observe the other students as they tried to cast their Patronus. He felt disheartened as he saw most of them were able to conjure their Patronus and were laughing at it, happy they were able to do it. His shoulders slumped as he continued to feel the pain he felt in his heart whenever he remembered Cedric.

Hermione, who was quite near him, heard his conversation with Harry and frowned when she saw Isaac looking around him with a blank look. She walked to him slowly and smiled at him. "Are you alright Isaac?"

"Not really honestly. Whenever I think of a happy memory, Cedric is there and I just..." He couldn't finish his sentence as it was still hard for him to talk about his brother. Hermione could tell he didn't want to talk about him.

She looked at him in the eye and smiled softly at him. "I know it's hard for you to think of a happy memory, but why don't you try... something different?"

Isaac nodded his head and thanked her. She smiled at him and gave his hand a squeeze before leaving him to try his Patronus again. Isaac sighed and tried to think of the happiest momentsnof his life.

He remembered first meeting Hermione and how they easily hit if off. He remembered the night of the Yule Ball, when they both were dancing together under the night sky in the Astronomy Tower. Then silently, he cast the spell and a tortoiseshell cat came out, illuminated and walking gracefully around the room.

He smiled in disbelief as he watched his Patronus walk over to an Otter Patronus and run around each other. He looked to the owner and saw that it was Hermione.

He stared at her angelic smile as she watched the two Patronus playing with each other. He felt his heart beating like crazy and held a hand ontop of his heart. He then felt himself drawn to her.

Hermione was beautiful with a smile on and the fact that she was so genuine about it made him smile slowly. When she looked at him, he felt his heart beat even faster as she smiled brightly at him. A smile he only saw when she was really happy.

And that was when he realization dawned upon him. He had grown feelings for the Gryffindor girl.

Isaac Diggory was hopelessly in love with Hermione Granger.

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