𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻

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IT WAS A SUNNY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, four days after the victorious match of Gryffindor. And also four days after Hermione's revelation.

The past few days Hermione tried to look for Isaac. Ever since that day she wanted to see him, wanted to hangout with him again. Sadly, it was harder than she thought. She checked in the places she thought he'd be in.

The library, the Astronomy Tower, even trying to reach out for him in the Great Hall. Isaac was a very good hider when he wanted to. And Hermione was absolutely furious at the fact.

She was walking around the hallways, looking at every corner of every corridor. Even checking to see if he was in any abandoned classroom. Everytime he wasn't in a place she thought he'd be in, she'd sigh then continue on with her walk.

Hermione turned a corner and almost fell as she bumped into someone. Luckily, the person was quick to steady both of them. Hermione sighed in relief, but eventually when she looked up she was confused at first but then smiled triumphantly at who she saw.

"I am so so sorry! I didn't see you and I was rushing towards a date- Oh God! This is what Isaac and Vi always tease me about..." Thomas was standing infront of her, looking anywhere but her eyes. Hermione giggled at him before waving her hand dismissively.

"It's alright, Thomas. I was actually looking for Isaac... would you know where he is?" He looked at her with a hint of surprise. Thomas seemed to not notice who she was until he snapped his fingers and nodded at her, his face full of recognition.

"Ah! Your that Hermione girl Isaac talks about! He never stopped talking about you and your two other friends last year!" She blushed at the fact that Isaac actually talked about her to his friends.

"I umm.. All good things I hope?" Thomas laughed at her and patted her shoulder.

"Not only good things! He praises you a lot! Saying how intelligent you are and how your expressions were so cute." His face turned from a happy grin to a look of realization, regret and embarrassment.

His mouth trembled slightly. Thomas looked at her, scared she might say something to Isaac about what he said. He swiftly took her hands in his in a praying motion, Hermione looked at him with mild shock and confusion.

"Please do not and I mean not tell Isaac I ever told you any of this please. He'll bloody kill me if he knows I told you about this." Hermione chuckled nervously at him, trying to find a way to get her hands back.

It was silent for a few moments. Thomas was looking up at her like a puppy begging to its owner. Hermione tried to find the right words to say, not fully knowing what to do in a situation like this.

As she opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off by a loud shout from the man infront of her.


She flinched at how loud and dramatic he was being. She looked around her to see many people already looking at them, some already whispering to each other. Hermione looked back towards Thomas, who seemingly didn't notice the people gossiping around them.

She cleared her throat, slowly moving her hands away from his grip. "I-I won't tell Isaac. I promise."

Thomas smiled happily, like a child who earned his favorite toy, and moved a step away from her. "Thank goodness. I wouldn't know how to hide from Isaac once he knows about this. The bloody git can find me anywhere."

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