𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝗻𝗼𝘄

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AFTER THEY MADE UP, Isaac tried to make even more extra time so that he could spend atleast an hour with her. But that proved to be harder than expected when Dumbledore gave him special lessons for another thing. Duelling.

Since the Headmaster couldn't really bring any of the Order in, Isaac's teacher had to be Professor Flitwick for now. But the boy had no problem with it, he did like Professor Flitwick a lot.

But aside from that, Isaac was really really glad that he and Hermione were on speaking terms again. Even though it was kind of awkward since he did confess to her. But regardless, Isaac still enjoyed his time with her.

There was one thing however that he couldn't quite get his mind out of. Hermione. Although he said he didn't need an answer anytime soon and it had only been a week since he had confessed. But goodness gracious this girl was going to be the death of him.

Isaac would catch her staring at him, and when he turned to look at her she would look away with a blush on her face. There were also times where he would find her staring at his lips longingly, making him confused.

Tomorrow would be Slughorn's Christmas Party and Isaac was somewhat curious as to how it would go. He had his suit ready but he didn't really have a date to bring. Isaac didn't think he needed one to be honest, the person he wanted to go with the most was invited anyways so it was alright.

Currently Isaac was in the library with Hermione. Lately, Isaac has felt Harry's suspicous gaze on him and he did know why. Isaac told Professor Dumbledore about this and all the Headmaster told him was not to worry about it and go on with his lessons.

Hermione noticed the blank look on his face, blushing a bit at how handsome he looked. She shook her head furiously and patted him on the shoulder. "Are you alright Isaac?"

He smiled at her and ruffled her head, effectively messing her already bushy hair. "I'm fine Mione. Do you have a date to Slughorn's Party?"

Hermione blushed at him and patted her hair down, trying to fix it a bit. "I do actually. But I'm slightly regretting it."

Isaac chuckled at her, grabbing a book from the Herbology section. "I'm sure it's not that bad Mione. Who are you going with?"

Hermione looked down towards the book she had in her arms, mumbling under her breath. Isaac looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, moving closer to her a bit. "Sorry what'd you say?"

She blushed a bit when she glanced up at him, flustered at how close he was to her. Her eyes flickered down to his lips for a second before looking back down to her book. "Cormac Mclaggen."

Isaac looked at her with confusion in his stormy grey eyes. He chuckled softly, not believing what she just said. "Sorry I think I heard wrong. Your taking Cormac Mclaggen to Slughorn's party?!"

Hermione blushed in embarrassment and a bit of guilt looming in her. She did invite Cormac Mclaggen, days before she knew about her true feelings for Isaac. She smiled sheepishly at him and held his arm. "Please tell me your not that upset? I wasn't thinking then! I asked him way before I knew I-"

Hermione slapped a hand to her mouth, cursing herself for almost revealing her feelings for him. Isaac looked at her with a frown, putting a hand on her shoulder for her to look at him. "Way before you what?"

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