𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗚𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗪𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴

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ISAAC DREADED HIS FIRST CLASS as it was Defense Against the Dark Arts. He was sad he didn't have the same schedule as any of his friends and he had to handle the class alone.

He wanted to skip oh so badly, but he wanted to get good grades for this year. He went inside the classroom and saw that Professor Umbridge wasn't there yet. He sat on an empty seat beside a Ravenclaw student and sighed as he waited for their Professor.

When she came in, everyone went silent as they grew anxious about how their lesson will go. Isaac sat straight and faced the professor as she came inside with a smile.

"Good morning children." Professor Umbridge started swishing her wand pointed to the board as she wrote down three words.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations." She stood at the frot of the class in her pink outfit and a smile plastered on her face. Isaac felt that she wasn't a happy-go-lucky teacher as the aura she emitted felt odd.

"Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be severe." Isaac was confused at how high pitched her voice was and what consequences meant to her.

Textbooks started floating towards them and as much as Isaac loved reading, he didn't think he would be reading this as the title itself was not interesting. Dark Arts Defense: For Beginners

"We will be following a carefully structed ministry approved course of defensive magic." Isaac skimned through the book carefully before raising his hand. Professor Umbridge saw it and smiled at him, telling him to talk.

"Why doesn't our books have lessons about defensive spells?" Professor Umbridge smiled at him, but Isaac felt it was a fake one as it didn't reach her eyes.

"We won't be using spells in my classroom, Mr. Diggory. You will be learning spells in a secure, risk-free way." Isaac's eyebrows furrowed at her comment and spoke for the rest of the class.

"But what's the use of learning them when we can't even practice them Professor?" She looked back at him with a tight smile and walked towards him slowly.

"Because Mr. Diggory, it is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will suffice." Isaac processed what she said and started to speak again.

"But Professor-"

"Detention Mr. Diggory. Your supposed to raise your hand before you speak." Isaac sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"What time should I be in your office Professor Umbridge?" She smiled at him before answering his question.

"Right after lunch Mr. Diggory." Isaac sighed and decided to just listen in instead of arguing with her. And now he had to tell Hermione he couldn't meet up with her in the library


Isaac started walking to the Great Hall with Thomas. They both had Potions together as their last subject. He needed to talk to Hermione before Lunch and he hoped she wasn't already inside.

When they neared the Great Hall, Isaac saw the Golden Trio still approaching the door. He sighed in relief before saying sorry to Thomas and running towards them hoping to catch Hermione before they could even open the door.

As Harry was about to open the door, Isaac grabbed a hold of Hermione's wrist and smiled at them. "Sorry, I need to borrow her for a mintute."

Before Harry or Ron could answer him, Isaac already dragged Hermione to the Astronomy Tower. He sat her down near the window with him and glanced at her. She was looking at him with surprise and confusion. "Whatever you wanted to talk about, you could have just told me after Lunch."

"See that's the problem. I can't talk to you after Lunch." Hermione looked at him with a frown and looked at him with curiousity.

"And why is that?" Isaac sighed and ran his hand through his hair, a sign that he was frustreated.

"Well I have detention. With Professor Umbridge." Hermione looked at him shocked that he had detention. Then she sighed and put a hand on his shoulder.

"And why exactly do you have detention?" Isaac sighed and leaned back slightly. Hermione leaned her head on his shoulder and he put his on top of hers.

"Well, Professor Umbridge said that I wasn't raising my hand so she told me I had detention. But I think it was because I kept asking questions." Hermione sighed and mumbled an alright. They stayed like that for a few minutes until she removed her head from his shoulder and smiled at him.

"What?" She smiled wider and kissed him on the cheek. Isaac felt his cheeks heat up a bit and looked at her for an answer. She smiled warmly at him and stood up.

"I have to go. I haven't eaten breakfast and I need to eat, Hugo. See you after dinner." Isaac nodded slowly and watched her leave for the door. He held the cheek she kissed and sighed.

He felt his heart beep rapidly and he felt an emotion he hasn't felt when he was with Hermione or anyone for that matter. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and headed towards Professor Umbridge's office.

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