𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆'𝘀 𝗔𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗸𝘀

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Hey guys! Kelp Brain here! I know I said I wouldn't update til next month... but I made an exception since its my birthday today!

I hope you enjoy and the next chapter will come August 10


ITS BEEN 3 MONTHS since Isaac stayed in the Burrow and so far he was enjoying it. It was nice for him as it was secluded and had a nice forest and lake outside.

On the nights he couldn't sleep, he went to the lake and sometimes went in for a quick swim. He found it calming whenever he was in water.

Isaac was rooming in Charlie's room as he wasn't there for a while. He was thankful he had a room to himself but it was on the top floor.

Hermione came to the Burrow a few weeks ago and Isaac rarely actually talked to her. For some reason he felt that it was kind of awkward between them but he was sure she didn't think much of it. She was usually reading a book or with Ron. Isaac on the other hand was hanging out with Ginny a lot and was getting to know Fred and George.

Right now, he was talking with Ginny in the living room. Isaac and Ginny got closer during the past few months and basically became great friends. They're love for Quidditch and nature was one of the reasons why they bonded so well.

She told him about her small crush on Harry, and he teased her constantly for it. Isaac told Ginny the truth of why he was there in the Burrow and he was glad he did as she was great company to have.

They both heard something fall on the ground somewhere in the kitchen and decided to check it out. They saw Harry's owl Hedwig with trunks that Isaac knew was Harry's. Ginny went towards the stairs with Isaac in tow and shouted for everyone in the house to hear.


"What is it Ginny dear?"

"I was wondering if Harry was here." Isaac chuckled as he saw a glimpse of surprise from Molly. Ginny smacked his arm gently and he shrugged.

"Harry? Harry who?" Isaac held in his laugh but was failing as some of his muffled laugh was heard by Ginny. She smiled at him and shook her head.

"Harry Potter of course."

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in our house wouldn't I." Isaac laughed a bit before composing himself as Ginny slapped his arm again.

"His trunk is in the kitchen and his owl."

"Well dear, I seriously doubt that." Isaac chuckled under his breath and made himself known to Molly as he stood beside Ginny.

They heard footsteps from the higher floor and Ron poked his head out. "Harry did someone say Harry?"

Ginny looked towards Ron and nodded at him. "Me nosy. Is he up there with you?"

"Course not. I would know if my best friend was in my room wouldn't I?" They heard another pair of footsteps and from a lower floor Hermione poked her head out.

"Was that an owl I heard?" Isaac shrugged and looked towards Ginny who was rolling her eyes at him and answered Hermione.

"You haven't seen him have you? Apparently he's wondering about the house." Isaac laughed hard and held his stomach as it was getting harder to breath.

"Seriously? You think he'a wondering about the house? We would have heard his footsteps then or the door opening Gin." She slapped the back of his head and glared slightly at him.

Ginny made her way to the door and saw Harry standing there. Isaac was still walking with her and flinched when she ran towards Harry and flung herself in his arms.

Isaac chuckled at her and went to greet him too. "Hello Harry."

Harry smiled at Isaac and shook his hand. Hermione moved towards Harry also and hugged him tightly. Soon everyone greeted him and he was soon dragged to Ron's room.


It was the middle of the night and Isaac couldn't sleep once again. He sighed deeply and got out of bed to go to the lake once again.

He hasn't stopped mourning over his mother and Sirius. It was getting harder to believe he wouldn't see them anymore, and it brought him back to Cedric. He lost three people who were very dear to him.

It didn't help that Hermione liked Ron now. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The lake reflected the moon and the plains were brilliant. He stared at his own reflection and saw bags under his eyes and his eyes didn't have the same spark they used to have.

He sighed and looked back out the lake and enjoyed the calming feeling it gave. He closed his eyes to relish the serenity. Isaac heard footsteps from behind him and didn't think much of it as usually Ginny would come out after a while.

"It's calming isn't it." Isaac opened one eye and saw Hermione in her sleepwear, sitting beside him. He closed his eye again and sighed in content.

"It is." Hermione glanced at him and fidgeted with her hands. She looked back at him when she saw how pale he was and touched his forehead for signs of fever or the flu.

Isaac's eyes opened when he felt her hand gently touch his forehead. He looked at her and she gasped as she saw the eye bags. "Have you been sleeping well?"

He sighed and looked back at the lake, already knowing that he should tell her. She was his best friend at the moment and he shouldn't be hiding things from her. "No honestly. I barely have sleep now a days."

"Is it still hard for you? You did lose Cedric last year and now you lost Sirius, which by the way I had no idea about your friendship." Isaac chuckled softly and glanced at her.

"Well Sirius was a friend of my mother for a while. They go way back since their 5th year until this very day. He was like... a brother to me." Hermione nodded her head and leaned it on his shoulder. He glanced at her and chuckled before moving a bit closer.

"I understand that you lost two people who you loved dearly." Isaac sighed before shaking his head.

"Not two actually. I lost three people so far." Hermione frowned at this and lifted her head off his shoulder.

"I lost my mother. She was killed a few hours before we went to the Ministry. That's why I'm here, in the Burrow. Because my house needs to be fixed."

Hermione mouth went agape and she hugged him tightly. Isaac smiled into her shoulder before wrapping his arms around her too.

And the feeling of serenity increased. In her arms, he felt the calmest and the safest. To him that would never change. Even if she did like someone else.

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