𝗗𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝗟𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗨𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘀𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱

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ALTHOUGH HE WAS SUPPOSED to join his friends as they watched the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Isaac was soon called into the Headmaster's office once again.

Violet took notice of his solemn look, but decided not to think about it as he usually had that look nowadays. She could tell his mood has been gloomier for the past week and has tried to speak to Isaac about it.

Isaac on the other hand kept pushing her away, trying not to deal with his emotions and doing his best to do well in his special classes with both Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

He had already mastered his Occlumency and has tried to focus on learning non-verbal spells and his Legilimency. Yes, he is a Legilimens. Isaac has known this since he was a child and has tried his best not to show it.

His father had trained him how to use his ability properly when he was 6 and Isaac has been keeping it a secret since. The only people who knew this were his family, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Snape.

His Legilimency is more focused on one's emotions, making his ability very valuable. Most Legilimens were focused on reading the thoughts of the host they were trying to read.

Isaac's legilimency, on the other hand, was focused on human emotions as well as memories linked to said emotions. With this he could threaten people easily and or help someone handle their own emotions.

But because of how dangerous this could be to himself, Isaac was thought to keep it hidden and to never use it unless it was absolutely needed. Especially since this was linked to a prophecy about him.

Isaac deemed helping Dumbledore with the mission given to him a necessity to use his special type of legilimency.

Anyways, Isaac sighed out loud as he rubbed his now pale face with his hand. Trying to rub the tired and gloomy look off his face. He looked towards his friends and smiled sadly. "Sorry guys, I have to go actually. Professor Dumbledore requested for me."

Thomas groaned as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "Oh come on Isaac! Mate, you've been called to Dumbledore's office for like a million times! I haven't even been able to hang out with you for 2 bloody hours!"

Isaac sighed in defeat and pinched the bridge of his nose with frustration. "I'm sorry Thomas. Look I'll try to ask Professor Dumbledore if we can postpone some of my special classes alright?"

Thomas grumbled out a reluctant agreement and stormed off, leaving Violet and Isaac alone.

Isaac knew Violet would take this differently. He knew that since Thomas had a girlfriend, Violet would have no one to hang out with. He sighed as he faced Violet, who had a deep frown etched on her face.

"Again? Why can't you take a break from these classes Isaac?" He gave her a sad smile and put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry Vi. These lessons are important, I need them for future purposes. And as I told Thomas, I'll try to ask Professor Dumbledore if I can postpone some of these classes alright?" Violet looked at him with narrowed eyes, somewhat doubting he'll be able to convince the Headmaster to stop some of his classes.

She looked into his stormy grey eyes, checking to see if there was any dishonesty in them. Violet sighed as she realized he was trying his best to do a lot of things and she nodded. "Alright fine. But please do try to get some rest, you've been looking awful."

Isaac chuckled lowly as she finally caved in. He gave her a warm smile before bringing her into his arms, giving her a much needed hug from her best friend. "I'll see what I can do with that."

Violet huffed a bit at that and pulled away, shooting him a stern look. "You, mister, are going to bed. I don't bloody care if I have to go to your dorm and make you sleep."

Isaac gasped dramatically and pointed a playful finger at her. "Violet Winchester?! Since when have you been using such cruel words?"

Violet rolled her eyes playfully, knowing fully well he was only joking. She shoved him away from her before skipping towards the direction of the Quidditch Stadium.

"Don't forget! You need rest!"

Isaac chuckled at her and waved energetically. "I will!"


(Hermione's Perspective)

Hermione looked around the crowd of students wearing red and gold outfits. A frown was etched on her face. She wasn't necessarily looking for someone. And it definitely wasn't a certain Hufflepuff boy.

Of course that was a complete and utter lie, Hermione tried her best to find him but to no avail. She sighed as her shoulders drooped, her eyes mindlessly watching the game. Her focus wasn't on the Quidditch match though, but on her hidden feelings.

Well now those feelings are wavering, seeing Lavender Brown cheering so enthusiastically for Ron...

How she hated to see it honestly. She didn't fully know when this feelings started. Hermione never thought it would actually turn into real feelings. She always thought that her feelings for Ron were fake, nothing more nothing less.

But now... well she isn't sure about her feelings anymore. Maybe it's because of how jealous she is when she sees Lavender cheering for Ron. Maybe it's because she hasn't had the time to talk to Isaac.

She absolutely didn't know anymore. She needed to talk to someone about this.

But who?

Her questions were soon answered a few hours later...

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