𝗪𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘆'𝘀 𝗪𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗲𝘇𝗲𝘀

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THE NEXT DAY, THEY WENT out to Hogsmeade to buy their supplies and check out Fred & George's new store. Isaac was now back to normal with Hermione, talking to her and Ginny mostly.

Even though he was still hurting from everything, he still attempted to put a smile on his face. Hermione on the other hand was glad that they were back to normal.

Now they were at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes to check out the shop. There were already a ton of people roaming around all looking at the famous troublemaker twins products.

Isaac was currently inbetween Ginny and Hermione, looking at the 'love potions' the twins have made. "Hello ladies, and Diggory."

Isaac chuckled at them and gave them a small smile before looking back at the pink bottles. "Love potions eh?"

"They really do work!"

Isaac chuckled at the twins antics. They always knew how to make anyone laugh even at the hard times. He glanced at Hermione then back to the potion infront of him and sighed.

He knew he didn't want to force Hermione into loving him, but he knew that he wanted to feel it. "Then again, the way we hear it, sis you're doing just fine on your own."

Isaac furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Ginny, who was currently looking at the twins with a questioning look. "Meaning?"

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?"

At the statement, Isaac looked at Ginny with a bewildered look. "But I thought you liked Ha-"

Before he could finish, Ginny put a hand on his mouth while glaring at him slightly. She gave a tight smile to Hermione who was looking at them with a calculating look, before turning towards her brothers and glaring at them.

"It's none of your business. Sorry Hermione, I'll be borrowing Isaac here for a moment." Hermione simply nodded, looking at the retreating figures of Ginny and Isaac with curiousity and a hint of jealousy.

Isaac followed Ginny out of the shop with a blank look covering his face. They stopped in an abandoned alley and were both looking at each other face to face.

They both stayed silent for a moment, not knowing how to start the conversation. Isaac though had other plans. "Since when have you been dating Dean Thomas? I thought you liked Harry?"

Ginny sighed and pinched the bridge on her nose. She knew she couldn't lie to him as Isaac always found a way to tell if you were lying or not. "It's complicated Isaac."

"It's not complicated unless you think it is Ginny." She huffed in annoyance and looked him in the eyes. Isaac had a stern look on his face, basically expressing that he wanted the truth.

"I don't know Isaac. I've been infatuated with Harry for years but its all going to a dead end." Isaac looked towards her with a frown before motioning for her to continue.

"I met Dean and it felt.. nice to finally have someone notice me. Not in the way where they recognize you but the type where they see you as a potential love interest." Isaac sighed and gave the younger girl a sad smile.

"If you think its the best thing to do then do it. I do hope your happy." Ginny smiled at him briefly before looking at him with a serious face.

"Now its your turn to talk. I've seen the way you've looked at Hermione." Isaac sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked back up at Ginny and pursed his lips.

"Yeah. I do like her. But only Violet and you know." Isaac still remembered the time where he was able to hangout with Violet before he had to stay in the Burrow.

Violet came back to Hogwarts for her last two years and immediately asked for Isaac to meet with her at Hogsmeade.


Isaac was sitting down with Violet in a booth at the Three Broomsticks. Both had a butterbeer in front of them as they shared stories.

He told her about Dumbledore's Army and the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. She held onto his hand as he explained the death of his brother figure and his own mother, comforting him a bit.

"I have to tell you another thing Vi." She smiled at him and put a strand of her gold locks behind her ear.

"What is it Isaac?" He sighed and took a sip of his drink before clearing his throat and looking in her eyes.

"I think I like Hermione." At the sudden statement, Violet didn't even flinch and gave Isaac a knowing smile. He noticed her smile and chuckled under his breath.

He knew she noticed something before even he did and it amused him how observant she was. "I already knew that Isaac. It took you a while to learn about it."

Isaac sighed and leaned back into his seat. "Yeah well it won't be lasting for long."

He gazed at the floor in sorrow as he remembered his situation. The girl he liked, liked someone else. He felt someone grab his hand and he looked up to see Violet smiling at him with sympathy.

"That's not how feelings work Isaac. They don't just go away when you force them to. It takes time to leave." Isaac smiled sadly at her and gripped her hand.

"You sound like your going through it." Violet gave him a tight smile before chuckling dryly.

"Maybe its because I am."

•the pull of gravity | a harry potter fanfic• [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now