𝗔𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗶𝗲𝘀

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HASTY FOOTSTEPS WERE THE ONLY sound you could hear in the hallway. All the other students have gone to their classes, some in the library, or some in their dorms. But certainly not for this Hufflepuff student.

He already missed his Potions class and now it was supposed to be his free time. Well luck isn't on his side. Isaac panted as he ran around the hallways towards the Potions Classroom.

During his actual Potions Class, Dumbledore had summoned him to his office and they talked. For 2 hours. Having already missed his class, Dumbledore suggested he go join the Potions Class happening right now.

And as he neared the door, he saw the silhouette of Ron and Harry in the doorway. He smiled to himself, already knowing they might have been late as the class started 10 minutes ago.

He made himself known by stumbling into the room. He saw the heads of his fellow classmates turn to him, as well as Professor Slughorn. "Ah Mr. Diggory! Come in! Dumbledore already told me your circumstances."

Isaac smiled kindly at the Professor and walked forward. "Thank you Professor."

He looked to his side and flinched a bit when he saw Harry and Ron seemingly fighting over something in the closet. He shook his head and went towards his classmates, standing beside Hermione.

"As I was saying, can anyone guess what these potions are?" Isaac wasn't surprised to see Hermione raise her hand enthusiastically. He chuckled lowly at her and sighed.

"Yes miss..?"

"Granger sir." She hesitated at first but she glanced at Isaac who was smiling at her reassuringly. Hermione stepped forward slowly.

"This is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world." Isaac stared at her with a questioning look. He saw how she squirmed a bit as she continued to look between the potion and Professor Slughorn.

"It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them." Isaac acknowledged this with a slight nod, he actually didn't know about that. He was actually happy he wasn't anywhere near the potion as he knew if he were to give an example out loud, everyone would know about his love for a certain bookworm.

"For example, I smell... parchemnt, vanilla candles and..." Isaac almost didn't hear the last thing she said, but thanks to his position right behind her, he was able to hear her say old broomsticks.

As much as it breaks his heart to hear her talking about anything related to his ginger-haired friend, he still had to keep a facade that he didn't actually love her. He faked a grin and nudged her with his elbow. "That's what he smells like hmm?"

She blushed a bit before slapping his arm. "N-no... Shut up."

What Isaac wasn't aware of were the multiple thoughts running through her head.

What's wrong with me? I should have lied and said something else, someone is bound to know who I was actually talking about.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a small wave in front of her face. She looked at the hand with furrowed eyes before looking towards her right to see Isaac looking at her with concern. "You alright there 'Mione? You seem a bit out of it."

She stared at him for a few seconds, feeling something within her feel sort of giddy knowing he was worried for her. She cursed internally before giving a small smile towards the Hufflepuff boy. "I'm alright. Let's brew the potion now."

Isaac looked at her with a bit of doubt but ignored the feeling.


Hermione was currently watching the Quidditch tryouts. She looked at Harry with pity as the members weren't listening to him, with the exception of Ron and Ginny.

She did want to go down to the field and help Harry but she knew that somewhere deep down he could do this. He did teach a ton of students last year.

"Shut it!" Hermione's head whipped towards Ginny who shouted. She giggled at the faces of the students and sighed happily. She was too focused on watching them to notice that someone already sat beside her.

A small cough caused her attention to go to the man beside her and she instantly slapped his arm. "Goodness, Isaac! I told you not to scare me like that!"

Isaac smiled widely at her and patted her head. "Sorry sorry. I've been trying to grab your attention for a while."

She blushed a bit and looked at her feet, realizing that she was too caught up in staring at the tryouts to notice him. Hermione felt a bit guilty, since he was trying to grab her attention.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a Quidditch Team to worry about?" Isaac chuckled as he looked towards the field where Harry was giving instructions to the tryouts.

"Hmm. Well I scheduled the tryouts to happen tomorrow since Gryffindor is using the field today. So not really. We already have me, Thomas, and Justin in the team already. So we just need about 6 people left."

Hermione nodded her head and continued to watch the Tryouts. Until a question formed in her head and she looked towards Isaac. Although, he was too focused on watching the Tryouts.

In order to get his attention, Hermione tugged his dress shirt. It worked effectively as Isaac hummed at her, as if asking her why. "Why were you at our Potions Class last time? As far as I know it's a Slytherin and Gryffindor class time."

Isaac tensed up as he heard her question. He cursed silently under his breath before sitting straighter, eyes still looking at the field. "Well.. I had something to do during my own Potions Class and since I had a free time, I went to your class."

Isaac winced inside his head at how bad that half truth was. Honestly, Dumbledore called him during his Potions Class. Something regarding the Order. But Hermione didn't need to know that.

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