𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗬𝘂𝗹𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗹𝗹

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IT WAS THE NIGHT OF THE Yule Ball and half of the people attending were already inside. Harry and the rest of the champions were outside waiting for their dates.

(oufits above)

Isaac was talking to his brother about his suit and laughed when he saw Ron's. He patted Cedric's back and gave him a smile. "You got to have fun with Cho alright brother? Show her a great time."

Cedric chuckled at him and nodded giving him the same talk which Isaac only replied with a glare. He was glad Violet accepted his invite to be his date but as friends.

He loved Violet but as a friend and little sister that he could never think of dating her. The reason why he asked her was because they both didn't have dates and he wanted her to loosen up.

He heard footsteps descending down and saw Violet in her yellow gown. He smiled at her and walked up a few steps more so that they could meet. As she went closer to him, he put his hand out for her and she took it.

He smiled at her brightly and helped her down the last few steps. "You look brilliant Violet."

"You look dashing in that suit Isaac." He grinned at her and gestured for her to loop her arm in his, which she accepted gratefully. They went inside the Great Hall after bidding farewell to Cedric.

The Hall looked gorgeous in the new makeover. Isaac was smiling at how wonderful the decorations were and how the theme seemed to be an Ice Christmas.

The Professors gestured for the student and guests to move aside as to give way to the champions. The first one to enter was Fleur Delacour with Roger Davies, then Cedric Diggory with Cho Chang.

Isaac was shocked to see Hermione with Victor Krum but smirked internally as he clapped with the rest of the crowd. Hermione did tell him that he would be shocked to see his date yesterday when they had their usual hangout session in the library.

He wasn't even paying attention to the champions dancing as he looked at Hermione. She was beautiful in her light pink gown and her hair do. He couldn't help but stare at her beauty as she danced with Viktor Krum.

The dance soon ended and everyone was allowed to dance. He watched Hermione excuse herself and go to where the punch was. He excused himself from Violet and followed her to the punch bowl. He leaned down to whisper in her ear as the music was too loud.

"So your date is Viktor Krum? No wonder you said I'd be surprised." Hermione grinned at Isaac and looked him up to down. She thought he looked rather dashing in his grey robes.

"Don't you look dashing in those robes Isaac." He grinned at her and got himself some punch.

"I'd like to say the same for you Hermione. That dress looks rather enchanting on you." Hermione blushed at his comment and slapped his arm. She sighed as she looked at all the students dancing ridiculously on the dance floor.

Isaac noticed she was looking at the dance floor and grinned. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Save me a dance will you Hermione?"

She looked up at him and smiled. This is her opportunity to dance with him and she gladly accepted. He smiled at her reply and told her he better go look for Violet as he left her alone. Hermione said the same and they both parted ways.

Isaac found Violet and danced with her on an upbeat song. They danced and danced and forgot the time. Eventually, they both got tired from all the dancing and decided to get punch. As they were walking, Isaac saw Hermione walking out with Ron as if they were fighting.

Isaac told Violet not to wait for him as he followed after them and halted once he saw Harry and Ron going up the stairs with Harry glancing at Hermione from time to time, confused. He sighed as he saw her wipe some tears away and decided to approach her. "Awful night?"

Hermione looked towards the voice and saw Isaac standing infront of her with a sad smile on his face. She chuckled dryly as she sat on the foot of the stairs. "Something like that."

Isaac could tell she was awfully down and thought about an idea to make her happy again. He smiled once an idea popped into his head. He crouched infront of her and smiled. "Let's go off somewhere Hermione."

As she was about to protest, Isaac pulled her up and ran towards the Astronomy tower. He heard her panting and laughing at how excited he was. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see!" Hermione chuckled at his response but noticed they were going upstairs. Before she could say where they were going, they had arrived at the top of the steps and opened the door to the Tower.

Hermione gasped at the sight that the Astronomy Tower could give them at 12 midnight. She smiled at the beauty of the night sky and Isaac noticed her mood changed from despair to fascination. He grabbed her hand and brought her to the middle of the room.

She looked at him confused until he started waltzing with her. She laughed as they danced without music, forgetting all the past events that happened. They enjoyed their time together under the night sky. Hermione was grateful for Isaac. He was able to mkae her laugh again in a matter of minutes and she smiled.

He was her knight in shining armour.

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