𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝗣𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿

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ISAAC WAS SITTING IN A CHAIR in Dumbledore's office. He was called in a few minutes ago, and he didn't know why he was. Isaac waited for Dumbledore to come in as he sat there with a blank face.

It was 2 days after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and Isaac still couldn't believe Sirius died. He didn't cry, but he did stay silent for a while.

Sirius Black was like a brother to him. He was always there for him and was there when Cedric died. He sighed and leaned back on the chair, only for him to sit straight again as Dumbledore came in.

The Headmaster gave a sad smile to Isaac, already knowing the bond he had whth Sirius. Isaac knew this, but they already talked about it after the battle ended. "Isaac. I have some news for you."

He perked up as he heard Dumbledore's statement. He could hear the sadness in his voice and frowned. "What is it Professor?"

Dumbledore sighed and stood up. Isaac was shocked at first but then frowned again when he saw the look Dumbledore was giving him. He pursed his lips and stood up too, already knowing there was bad news. "It's... bad isn't it?"

Dumbledore sighed again and moved towards him and stood infront of him. He put his arms on Isaac's shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Your... Your mother isn't here anymore."

Isaac's breath hitched as he heard his sentence. He didn't think the news was going to be this bad, but he knew it was the worst he could hear. Isaac felt tears prickle in his eyes but desperately held it back as he didn't want to cry anymore. "How did it happen?"

"Your house was ambushed by Death Eaters and your mother was the only one there. She was killed with the Killing Curse." Isaac bit his lip to hold in his sob. He smiled sadly at Dumbledore and ran a hand through his hair.

"I see sir... Can I go now please?" Dumbledore nodded softly and Isaac was walking out. Before he could close the door, he heard Dumbledore call for him and gave him a letter that was from his mum.

Instead of going to the Great Hall for lunch, he went straight to the Astronomy Tower and sat in his usual spot. He sighed as he stared at the sky, trying to calm himself down. But then an image of his mum being shot with the Killing Curse was the trigger for tears to come back in his eyes.

He looked at the letter Dumbledore gave him and opened it carefully before reading it. He smiled sadly as he recognized his mother's writing and read it.

Dear Isaac,

If your reading this then it means I'm no longer in this world. I don't want you to cry because I'm in a better place Isaac. I'm with your brother now.

Please take care of your father as I know he will mourn. Keep him and yourself safe. I love you so much my little boy.

Love, Mum

Isaac bit his lip as tears ran down his face. He let out a shaky breath and leaned his head on the post. He couldn't believe that in a span of 3 days he lost 2 people dear to him.

Isaac heard footsteps from the stairs and wiped his tears away as he didn't want anyone to think he was a crybaby. He sighed in relief though as he saw the familiar face of Hermione Granger come in the Tower.

She was smiling at him at first but frowned when she saw his red eyes. Almost as if he was crying or lacking in sleep. Hermione walked towards him and sat beside him.

"How are you Isaac?" He smiled sadly at her before sighing and leaning on his hands.

"Well... I've been better." He gave a dry chuckle as he closed his eyes. He was thinking if he should tell Hermione what he heard from Dumbledore or not, but decided against it.

"How's Harry doing by the way? I haven't talked to him recently." Hermione looked at her interlocked hands on her lap and sighed.

"Well.. same as you, he has been better." Isaac nodded his head. They were enveloped in a comfortable silence as Isaac thought about what he should talk about.

Then he remembered that he was supposed to ask her about Ron. He hesitiated a bit as he knew it would hurt him if she said he did and would make him relieved if she said no. But he already knew that he might not even have a chance with her.

He opened his eyes and looked at her with a serious glint in his eyes. "Hermione?"

She hummed in reply as Isaac smiled at her. She looked at him and saw his expression and raised an eyebrow. "Tell me honestly. Do you like Ron?"

Hermione's eyes widened slightly and he took this as a sign that she herself didn't know yet. She contemplated on her answer and thought it through before turning back to him with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Yes. I do like him."

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