𝗔𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗹𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗻'𝘀 𝗗𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿

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ISAAC WAS THEN DISCHARGED from the Hospital Wing a day later. It's already been a week since Isaac last saw Hermione and Isaac was a bit disheartened at it.

Although he himself was somewhat avoiding her. Trying his best to not run into her in the library or even in their usual spot, the Astronomy Tower.

Except for thinking about Hermione, Isaac has been called by Dumbledore a lot more times over the past week. Isaac had to reluctantly spend less time with his friends as Dumbledore's sessions were usually during his free period.

Tonight, he was supposed to go to the dinner party Professor Slughorn had arranged. Isaac honestly didn't know what to wear but he thought it would be best to go for a semi-formal attire.

Isaac sighed as he glanced back to the Headmaster's table. Dumbledore gave him a small smile and his eyes directed towards the hall doors. Isaac, who was utterly confused, looked towards the door and smiled softly as he saw his family owl Locke coming towards him.

Isaac curiously took the letter tied on the owl's leg. He petted Locke's beak with his index finger before putting his attention on the letter before him. He opened it and tensed.

Dear Isaac,

I request your audience in my office after dinner. Today we will be working on you lessons of Occlumency with Professor Snape. I know about your dinner party with Professor Slughorn. I understand it may take a while for you to be able to come to my office, but I have told Filch and Professor Slughorn himself that you were to go to my office by my request.

Oh and do destroy this letter once you finish reading it.

Your Headmaster and mentor,

Isaac immediately crumpled the letter in his hand using his wand, that was hidden in his wand holster on his right forearm, to reduce its size.

He sighed as he rested his head on his hand. He continued to play with his food, not noticing the suspicous stares that a certain lightning scarred boy gave him.

Harry was suspicous of the events that just happened. Harry was looking towards the Headmaster and saw the somewhat signal he gave. He followed where Dumbledore's eyes were trailed and saw a majestic grey owl fly through the doors and fly towards Isaac.

Harry nudged Ron, who nudged Hermione, and the three of them watched as Isaac's face turned from a small smile to a completely serious face. They watched as he crumpled the paper in his hand and brought it under the table where they couldn't see what he was doing.

"Why are we watching Isaac, Harry?" Harry looked towards his two friends and motioned them closer.

"I think Dumbledore and Isaac are up to something. Haven't you noticed how after every dinner, he would stay here and his friends would leave him?" Hermione's lips pursed at Harry's revelation. She didn't know how to feel about it or what to do about it.

But then she remembered what happened that night. She looked towards his spot on the table and gazed at him. Hermione noticed his dark circles under his eyes, even if he tried to pry everyone away from it with his charming smile. She could see through him.

She knows what's going through his mind. She knows about his nightmares.

"Those nightmares... they always seem to be what would happen. In the future. And seeing it, watching it, it hurts."

Hermione bit her lip as she tried desperately to look away from the young man but eventually, his stormy grey eyes found her honey brown. Both locked in a trance, Hermione hadn't realized how Harry and Ron were looking at her with questioning eyes as she stared at the young man Harry found suspicous.

Isaac on the other hand was able to conpose himself quickly and raised an eyebrow at her. This seemed to take effect on Hermione, as she blushed a bit before thinking of what to do next.

She then turned away before he could question her staring any further and focused back on what Harry and Ron were saying.


Isaac cursed as he tried to fix his necktie once again. He was currently walking all the way to Professor Slughorn's office. He sighed in relief as his necktie finally looked decent, now checking the time on his watch. He looked at it with wide eyes before running through the corridors, forgetting to button his sweater up.

Once he was infront of the door, that was when he realized he hadn't buttoned up his sweater. He did so as quickly as he could before clearing his throat and going inside.

Isaac cursed mentally as he saw they were already eating dessert.

If only I slept yesterday.

Isaac was busy yesterday with Quidditch practice as he is the Captain of the team. And since he was asleep for 2 days. Their first match was coming soon, the day after the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match to be precise.

He smiled warmly at everyone inside and gave an apologetic look towards his Professor. "Professor Slughorn. I am so sorry for being late, I accidentally fell asleep for a while and-"

"Ah Mr. Diggory! Thank goodness you still came! Its alright my boy, you did just recover from your high fever a week ago. I watched some of your Quidditch practices too."

Isaac smiled gratefully at him and took the empty seat beside Ginny. The ginger haired girl looked towards him with a raised eyebrow and stomped on his foot.

Isaac held back a yelp at the sudden attack and sent a small glare towards the younger girl. She motioned for him to move a bit closer and he obliged, leaning his ear closer towards her. "Why have you been avoiding Hermione?"

Isaac pursed his lips and immediately gave her a low chuckle. "Seriously? Thats the first thing you ask me after not speaking to me for 2 days? Busy snogging your boyfriend?"

Ginny glared at him and slapped the back of his head, not so subtly. Isaac groaned in response and she giggled at how everyone looked towards him. Isaac glared at her from the corner of his eye and she merely shrugged innocently.

"So Mr. Diggory! I heard you're a prodigy when it comes to Quidditch and your school work!" Isaac smiled kindly to his Professor and waved his hand dismissively.

"I doubt that sir! I'm sure Harry is a better Quidditch Captain than I am, as for my school work... well I do have extra lessons." Isaac rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand, a motion that showed his modesty and embarrassment.

"Nonsense my boy! You are just like your mother, always so modest." At the mention of his mother, Isaac tensed a bit. He hadn't fully gotten over the death of his mother, but he tried his best not to think about it.

He chuckled awkwardly and played with his hands under the table. "R-really? I wouldn't have guessed."

As if he was woken up from the joy he felt, Professor Slughorn looked towards Isaac with a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure your mother is proud of you Mr. Diggory. May she rest in peace."

Isaac gave a quick smile to his Professor and droned out the joyful chats around the table. Not noticing the look of concern from a certain bookworm.

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