Chapter 39

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October 4, 2180


I'm in so much pain every time I take a breath, but I can't show it. I could tell everytime Griffin looked at me that he felt pity for me, and he felt responsible. So I mask the pain. The excruciating, burning, flesh eating, hell shooting pain! I've bit my lip so many times today it's bleeding, and if I hadn't just cut my nails before I'm sure my palm would be as well. The doctor says if I wear the oxygen mask for the next 3 days almost all the time, I can go home. Home. Where is that now? The house burned down. Almost all of our stuff with it I'm sure. Maybe Mack will let us stay at her place. I doubt that, but maybe we can find another house or apartment to rent in the meantime. An apartment couldn't be burnt down and it would be harder to find our room. Right? I'll ask Griff about finding a temporary place later.

"Hey Mae, how are we doing?" the doctor says walking in with his students, or residents or whatever trailing behind him. I give a small thumbs up. They need to see that I'm using actions and not words. That way they may let me out of here sooner. "Bailey, present," he says as he waits for his resident to run over my case. I've already had this done once in the ER, but I kinda tuned it out. I have to admit it is kind of interesting.

"Mae Colton," I smile at Griffin's last name with my first name, "Age 18, arrived this morning with severe burns to the left calf, and mild burns on her chest, and arm and lower face. She inhaled a lot of smoke in the fire and is having respiratory distress so is staying in the hospital for 3 days of observation."

"Very good Dr. Bailey, can someone tell me the treatment for the third degree burn on her leg?" my main doctor asks his students.

"A nerve graft was done earlier today, and the skin will continue to be debried for the next 24 hours, as well as a flow of electrolytes in the IV. After she goes home a cream will be applied daily for the time of it's healing and she will need to use crutches in order to stay off the damaged nerves for about 2-3 weeks." A young female doctor answers all in one breath. She seems so full of hope, and excitement. So... youthful. Yet she's older than me. With what I've seen I feel much older than this deery eyed intern in front of me, despite the year gap between us.

"Very good Dr. Jameson. The rest of you take note," I see Dr. Jameson's friends congratulate her as my doctor comes closer to me. "So what Bailey and Jameson were explaining is the brief procedures we will follow. For now you don't have to worry about anything since we will do it for you, but once you leave we will teach you and Mr. Colton how to apply to burn cream and change the dressing." I nod and point to the oxygen mask hoping he'll get the point. "Ah yes, I would like you to try and wear it at all times until at least tomorrow, and after that wear it at most times, but you can take it off for moments to speak if you'd like. But keep in mind the more you wear it the sooner you're out of here." I nod and give a thumbs up breathing in from the oxygen mask.

After the doctor leaves I spend about 20 minutes alone. I mean the nurses come and go to check on my IV's but they don't really talk to me. After 20 minutes Griffin comes back.

"Hey!" he exclaims, "so did the doctor specify what the plan is for food?" I shake my head, although I'm pretty sure he would advise against eating right now since I'm supposed to keep the oxygen mask on. I point to the door and Griffin closes it per my demand. I lift my oxygen mask off, and at first it feels like a hit to my lungs, but slowly regain my breath.

"I wouldn't mind an iced capp," I say breathing heavily. Griffin looks worried and doesn't bother to hide it.

"Mae!" he exclaims, "you aren't supposed to take the mask off!" I put the mask on briefly holding it to regain my breath before responding.

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