Nighttime Reception (Part One)

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"What a beautiful ceremony, ladies! It really is." Dana says as she comes over with Stuart to congratulate us. We are so happy they could make it and I was so happy my father made it even if my mother refused to come. She was now really praying for my soul along with Callie and Mike's. But there was nothing I could do about that at all as Dana gently kisses my cheek.

"Thanks, Dana. That means a lot to us."

"It does, Mom and we are glad you and Daddy could come."

"Of course we did, baby. Now you two sit and relax and enjoy your celebration. And don't think just because this is not legal that you don't follow marriage rules. Because now you are tied to each other indefinitely!" She teases as I bust out laughing.

"Oh yeah, I expect to be in the dog house at least once a week."

"Stef!" Lena slaps my arm as I laugh even harder.

"You know I'm teasing, babe!"


"Alright you two, enjoy yourself. I'm going to go talk to the grandbabies!"

"Sure Mom." Lena smiles as she squeezes my hand, not letting go once since we met at the altar.

I squeeze it back as I look into her soft brown eyes. "You ok?" She asks as I gently stroke her cheek.

"Yeah baby. Why do you ask?"

"Just making sure. I saw you crying when we exchanged our vows. I mean I was too but what were you thinking?"

"MM. I was thinking of when I fell in love with you. When I knew."

"Yes? When did you?" She asks taking a sip of wine as I take a sip of my own. Clearing my throat I look out at the kids dancing along with my father and Lena's parents, Tess, Jerry, and Mike.

"It happened fast, babe. You probably got me the first time you called me sweetheart." I tease as her smile grows wider. "You know, when we would watch Ed Sullivan on the couch, when you would help me bake, or we went to the beach and ran in the ocean."

"The time you picked me up and spun me around for fun? Or the time you fed me from your fork a piece of cake, the time we ate those fries in the back of Julius car? God, when you cut your hair, I almost had an instant orgasm." She laughs as I almost choke on my wine.

"Seriously?" I blush now as I look over at her.

"Oh yes. It was so hot. I mean it still is. But I saw you for the first time. I mean I saw you under your long hair that covered so much of you and your clothes and hid who you were but you really came out. But I loved you before that. It was your soul, your heart, your personality, your softness, your kindness, your innocence. All of that."

"Ya? I always wondered what you were thinking, but you were the one who became bolder and bolder with me, you know that? What about the tent?"

"Oh my god!" She laughs as we sit, our fingers still linked. "When I thought a sleeping bag was a bag filled with sheets, blankets and pillows?"

"Ha! Ya, that was funny, Lena Adams Foster," I wink at her.


She slowly runs her fingers over and over across my scorching skin, and before I know it, her hand is down my shorts and pressing against my now drenched middle. What the fuck is happening? I have no idea as I instinctively raise my hips to meet her fingers. God, I want her to keep touching me as I feel her fingers rub in circular patterns over my clit.

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