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The last few days leading up to Thanksgiving have been interesting, more than I would have liked them to be, and I am in no way ready to sleep. Even if I had just laid in bed with my wife and held her naked body close to mine, I still lay there wide awake and not one second closer to passing out for the night. I look over at the clock on my nightstand, and when I read that it's only 10:15 PM, I softly slide out of bed and make my way into the kitchen where I take down my bottle of whiskey and pour myself a small glass before lighting a smoke. These two habits were damn sure something I couldn't seem to quit as I feel the warm liquor warm my insides.

My talk with Lena a few days ago still bothered me a tad because I knew I wasn't being 100 percent up front with her. I just couldn't tell her who Jude really, really was until I knew for sure. I did contact Jude's social worker to see if a DNA test they could somehow check Jude's blood type or somehow find his birth certificate because I was very curious if Jude's Mother had listed Will as the father. Of course, since it's so close to Thanksgiving, I doubt that I will hear anything, and I didn't have the heart to let her in on this information because what if I'm wrong? What if in fact, he wasn't, but instead just a little boy with so many issues and all because of how he was raised? I didn't have it in me to let Lena know about that part of it until I really knew for sure.

But my heart is heavy in regards to Callie as well as Francesca. Being a mom is super hard, and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier the older they are. I take another sip of my whiskey as I get up and lean against the counter and jump as my phone rings.

"Good grief! Who's calling now?" I softly growl as I quickly answer hoping the rings didn't wake up Lena in our room.


"Hey, Stefanie Marie! Did I wake you?" I laugh softly to myself as I hear my father's booming voice on the other end.

"No, Daddy. Definitely not. I was going to call you in the morning to ask where you were staying and what time you are getting in. But what are you doing up so late? Isn't it like after one in the morning?" I grab my pack of smokes and my whiskey before settling once again in a kitchen chair to chat with my father. "Are you not coming?"

"Course we are coming, honey." He says as I light another smoke.

"Yeah? Mom too?" I can feel my heart begin to race as I await his answer, for seeing my mother was another sore subject for me.

"Yes. Even if she is being herself, she is coming."

"You know Daddy, I hate that you are spending money for a flight and hotel. We have the room and can accommodate you and Mom. But, I know she's scared of catching my disease." I laugh as I hear him sigh on the other end. "Daddy?"

"Yeah honey I'm here."

"You know I'm joking...sort of," I add as I puff away. I wonder if my dad even realizes how difficult this is for me considering she never knew how to stop yapping at me the last time she saw me even if it was the funeral of my brother. She never knew when to quit, and the passive aggression was definitely a sore spot for me.

"She is coming, Stefanie Marie, and I wish I could tell you that she's...she's okay with everything. But she doesn't want to put you and...and your...Lena out. It's just easier to stay in a hotel, my daughter."

"Ha! Okay, if you say so," I sarcastically spout off as I down my whiskey and pour some more.

"But I wondered if you bought your turkey yet. I wanted to buy it for you, baby," his tone softens, and I close my eyes. I can hear it in his voice that he feel badly, and I should give him a break. I'm sure he feels torn as Sharon is his wife after all.

"I believe Lena did buy it, yes."

"Then let me buy your tree. Do you still get your tree on Friday?"

I laugh now. "I haven't really bought a big tree, Daddy, in quite some time, but yes, I used to take Callie to get a small one."

"Good! Then it's settled! I'll see you tomorrow, Stefanie Marie!"

"I love you, Daddy. Try to get some rest." As I hang up, I rub my forehead as tears burn my eyes, and as everything bubbles up inside of me, I lean over and cry. A good cry always did me good, and tonight is no different.



"We don't have anymore room, Jules! You have to stick it in the one in the garage!" I yell to Julius as he had shown up once again with more things to put in our freezer and fridge for Thanksgiving desserts. I am already at my wit's end for an earlier battle I had had with Frankie over wearing too much makeup and Corey for not cleaning up his room again. I am trying to get our house in order and with Stef working so much overtime this week I am fried.

"I am not getting my most precious cakes all dusty and musty in your garage freezer! Oh no, honey boo boo. Move YOUR things in there." Julius waves his free hand as I sigh, placing my hand on my hip.

"What? I can't keep going back and forth all morning for things I need to cook! Now if you want the space it's that or they melt! That's the end of it!"

"OOO, you are wicked! That you are, baby!" Julius' face is now red, but I ignore his tantrum.

"Jules, you came here the other night, and I was happy to store some of your desserts. But! I need the room for our things and I am not wicked!"

"MM, you are testy! Is it because of Stef's mother coming? Mother Sharon? God, I have been waiting to see what this one is like. Aren't you?" He pops another almond in his mouth as he wiggles his eyebrows and I snatch the bag of almonds from him.

"Jules, no. It's her mother and we are all going to be polite. And she's Callie's grandmother, so zip it!" I snap again as he rolls his eyes.

"She's also a racist and homophobic. Ohhhhh, I wonder if she wears those fugly long heifer dresses that the mummies of Egypt wear!" He taps his pointer finger against his lips as I am the one to roll my eyes as I pull my hair up and out of my face.

"People change, Jules! Her father did!"

"MM-mm. Something tells me she's going to sprinkle holy water on all of us because that lady is coming here with a mission. "

"Oh my god, Julius! Stop inventing things!"

"I'm not. She probably wants to get Stef and Mike back together. Wouldn't surprise me. Why come all the way out here if not for that? I mean she can keep her little Amish bonnet back home!"

"Ok you are ridiculous! And stop eating my ingredients!" I yell now snatching the croutons from him as he jumps.

"Goodness! I forgot how fiesty you get, Queen Mocha. What's up your butt? MM? Spill to Julius. Is Stef not pleasing you in the bedroom? Do I need to talk to her about going down on you again?" My eyes widen as I reach over and swat him with my wooden spoon as he jumps and squeals.

"Nothing! I just need to prepare things. Stef's parents are coming tomorrow, the kids didn't clean their rooms and Stef is working double shifts. And why the hell are you asking me about my sex life? Jesus, Julius! Your mouth needs cleaned out! AND for the record Stef pleases me just fine in the bedroom!"

"Soooo! I'll help! And I'll call Tessy! And you know me by now, Mocha, darling, and I know you, too! Something ain't right in hanky-panky-ville or you'd be smiling from ear to ear!"

"Not everything is about sex, for Christ's sake!" I holler at the top of my lungs as I turn to look at Julius who is now blushing deeply, for wouldn't you know it, but our oldest daughter was standing in the kitchen doorway, her mouth wide open.

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