Beach Party (Part One)

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"This has more people than I realized. Maybe we should go." Callie says to Stefanie as the older girl pulls her arm back to the beach. She knew how Callie could be and that she was not big on going to parties or even school events. She was reserved much like Stef and rarely if ever let loose.

"No, you are not bailing. Come, it will be fun and we DON'T need to hang with anyone. We can just surf. Godmommy let you come even, and I only had to beg her a tiny bit!"

"Yeah because Mama and Aunt Tess are here to chaperon and how will we surf in the dark?"  Callie says looking at her bewildered.

"It's not fully dark. But this is totally harmless, Cals. I know it's not fully your thing but it can be fun. And if you really hate it, we can leave. But it may give you a chance to meet people for school."

"Ahh I don't really need to meet anyone." She says looking around feeling awkward. "And I wish Frankie hadn't been so daggone stupid to get even more grounded than she already was. I mean she was looking forward to this thing."

"No, she really wasn't," Stefanie frowns as the pair carry their surfboards towards the water, passing a fast game of volleyball. Callie ducks as a ball heads her way, and Stefanie manages to catch it with her free hand and tosses it back towards the light skinned boy who runs out to catch it.

"Hey, thanks!" He smiles widely as Callie smiles back. "I've never seen you, two, before. You're not from around here."

"No, kidding," Stefanie frowns even more feeling protective all of the sudden as Callie steps forward and extends her hand.

"I'm Callie, and this is Stefanie. We're new to the area. Just heading to surf a bit before it gets too dark.

"I'm AJ. Nice to meet you, Callie. Hi, Stefanie," he grins at the older girl who barely smiles in return.

"Let's go, Cals," she tugs on Callie's hand as Callie blushes and nods following close behind Stefanie but glancing back every now and then to get a look at the cute boy. He waves to her once more before serving the ball, and Stefanie throws down her board on the water before beginning to paddle out, Callie not far behind her.

"What's wrong with you, child?" Stefanie laughs as Callie paddles fast, trying to get to the upcoming wave.

"Nothing! I was just being friendly!" She calls back as she stands and catches the wave. Stefanie isn't far behind her as Callie doesn't fare so well and goes flying. Frankie, Stefanie and Corey had been trying their best to teach Callie how to surf, but she often was too impatient and stood too quickly as Stefanie reaches her and helps her back to shore.

Out of breath, both girls fall on their backs on the warm sand giggling. "Oh my god! I'm never gonna get it!" Callie raises her arm over her face as Stefanie looks over at her.

"You will. Trust me. I grew up on the water. So, it's just like walking to me, but you'll get it. I promise."

"He was cute, don't you think?" Callie looks over at Stefanie who sits up and scowls.

"AJ? He's alright," she shrugs.

"Why does it bother you?" Callie sits up as well.

"It doesn't."

"Ya, right. and I'm a clown," Callie rolls her eyes as Stefanie laughs.

"Okay, it kinda does because he looks too old for you. Do you understand what your Mama would do? I couldn't even date without her down my throat!"

"Ummm, you dated an asshole, Stefanie, who beat you and treated you like shit! We don't even know this boy. All I said was that he was cute!"

"Ok. Well, do you like him?" The girl asks rather seriously.

"I don't know. Never, well no one ever caught my eye before. Not really." Callie admits rather shyly as Stefanie nods her head.

"Look I'm protective of you I guess and didn't realize it. BUT...if we see him later go chat. Maybe he's nice."

"I don't know are you sure you aren't my Mom's daugther." Callie laughs as Stefanie smiles back winking at her.

"I just love you."

"I love you too sis."



"You're quiet tonight." Mike says to me as I sip my coffee and we sit in the patrol car getting ready to start our shift. Things had been weighing heavy on my mind especially in regards to Will and this possibly kid he had.  We just didn't know and had no way of really knowing if it was his or not.

"Nothing just tired."

"Yeah try again Stef. I've known you since you were 16. Spill." He laughs as I look right at him and light a smoke. "That bad?"

"It's about Will."

"As in Lena's ex? What about him?"

"Mike don't say shit ok?" I say sternly looking hard into his eyes as he lets out a sigh.

"I think you know me better than that Stef. What happened?"

"Some woman is looking for Lena. Saying her son is Wills. She is after Lena for child support."

"What?" He asks sounding surprised and confused.

"Yup. Claims she and Will you know, screwed. Met in a bar in Philly and she got pregnant but he left before she could tell him. SO he had no idea. Apparently." Sipping my coffee  it is quiet for a moment  as I glance over to Mike once again.

"She could be anyone Stef."

"Yeah she could."

"And so could this kid. You know how people are. I mean she could have banged anyone and be making shit up to get money."

"I do. But she specifically tracked down Lena. But who the fuck knows who else she contacted. I'm still waiting to hear back from a few of the guys back home to see what they know. Also a few guys in Philly."

"Shit. This is crazy.  I can't imagine how Lena is feeling."

"MM she hasn't said much. Which means she's very upset which I get."

"Well yeah sure. You think there's any truth to it?"

"I don't know Mike. It's so hard to say. Possible, but also very possible he didn't know. In fact I know he didn't know because if he had he would have well given her some money. Even if he had nothing, ya know he would have found a way. I know he left Lena but he didn't leave her with nothing."

"Yeah I know it. He was a good guy. Sad what happened to him."

"I know."

"Well, I have a few contacts, Stef. I know you told me not to say anything, but damn, I wonder how they found her out here?" Mike scratches his head as I sigh deeply.

"Well, they didn't. They've been harassing Cinnamon, and she finally wrote Lena a letter. God knows..."

"Wrote her a god damn letter!" Mike cuts me off as he sits forward more annoyed than ever. "Did that child ever hear of a telephone? Man! Reading that in a letter had to of been rough!"

"You're telling me! I had the same reaction! I wanted to give Cinnamon a damn piece of my mind, but Lena wouldn't let me. Still might, but we'll see. I guess she's tired of the harassment and it's now interfering with her job at the station."

"Well, it could get in the way especially if they're showing up at the station and making threats."

"Ahhhh, Cin can take care of herself. You forget she's a tough ass?" I laugh as I put out my smoke and open my coffee thermos.

"Ya, well, let me talk to a few of my contacts, ok? I wanna help you, Stef. Help you and your wife," Mike says slowly.

"Hard for you to choke out, there, Mike?" I tease as he grins.

"Kinda," he nudges me bashfully. "But I still consider you family. I'll always care, Stef, and Lena is your wife which I respect."

I smile as I turn our cruiser on and we head on out. Just having Mike in our corner felt good, for all of the years of discord had taken their toll on us for sure. Now to find out more about this so-called son of Will's...and I hope we find out sooner rather than later, too.

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