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"I don't understand how the hell that woman thinks she can come to OUR home and tell us about our daughter! I should have let you pound her!" I angrily remove my uniform as the O'Brien's had just left our home.

Frankie had said that she wanted to be left alone as well, and neither Lena or I could get her to budge as she went to her room and locked the door. I wanted to kick myself for putting the doors back up last week, but I knew that it wouldn't be as effective if I kept them down indefinitely. Of course, I wanted to knock the damn door down, but I know how I feel when something hurts me, and I know how hard this is for our daughter. I get it, even if I plan on making her talk to Lena and me tomorrow evening if she doesn't come to us beforehand.

I hate the fact that I might have seen this all coming. Not that Renee was a bad person but she was young and I knew all too well what kind of parents she had. The entire experience brought back a memory that I had suppressed and forgotten all about until now.

"Trust me. I was completely blindsided. Completely. And why didn't you tell me Francesca liked girls?" Lena removes her bracelets into her jewelry box as I toss my uniform in the hamper and head over to lock up my gun.

"Ummm, I tried to get her to go to you babe. I really did, Lena, and well, I guess she had a hard time telling you. I think she was scared or something." I turn to look over at my wife who has stopped everything and is standing by her dresser, a stunned look on her face.

" long have you known, Stef? I feel like an idiot!" Lena quickly pulls her curls on top of her head as her cheeks flush.

"Hey, hey, hey, love! Love!" I quickly move over to her and grab her hands. "Look at me, baby. I want our kids to be able to come to either of us and spill, okay? And I told Frankie on multiple occasions to sit and talk to you. But I would come to you if it were a serious matter, love. I promise you that."

She nods her head as tears splash down her face, and I pull her in for a hug. "Sweetheart, don't cry."

"I just feel so bad! Like I didn't see this coming whatsoever, and she's my baby! How could that...that woman be so damn cruel? How can she say all that she said and live with herself? Did you see Renee's face? Did you?" Lena bursts into hysterical crying now as she pulls away and places her hands over her face, her shoulders shaking as the anger inside me boils even more.

She had always been sensitive when it came to cruelty all around, even back on that army base in Oakland. From how I observed her to the stories she and Tess had shared, I know that Lena still struggles to understand the cruelty of this world and sometimes I can see she is too sensitive for this world. I wish I could protect her against it all but at the same time I knew it was unrealistic.

"Frankie is so upset, Stef. Did she really like this girl?" She asks the tears rolling down her face as I softly kiss her cheek and hold her hand.

"She did, love. She does."

"I didn't even notice. I wish she had told me. I think she has always felt more comfortable telling you certain things about herself. You guys really bonded when she went to New York, and she and I are just starting to get to know each other."

"Honey, you know how, well, I think she wants to talk to you too about it. I really do. And I understand how she feels. Confused, unsure...I..." I trail off as I can't seem to get the words out, but she already knows me.

"I know you do." She squeezes my hand as I look back into her eyes.

"But I think we should talk to her tomorrow. Let her cool off today and check on her but we should talk to her and let her know it's ok. That she did nothing wrong."I quickly say as Lena nods in agreement.

Love Will Keep Us - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now