Last Resort

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"Come help set the table, kids!" I yell to Stefanie, Callie and Frankie as Stef and I just finished up cooking dinner. With Julius dropping Corey home in a bit, I was not ready for the fight that was coming and had been damm anxious about it all day. I knew it wasn't going to be good as Stef placed the food on the table. I was aware she wasn't a tad bit anxious about Corey's behavior and was surprised she had not wailed his behind yet. But maybe that was why I had a stomache, for I knew it was coming.

All of me longed for the days when Corey was a sweet boy and would come running in my arms. He had always been sweet, and he had always been a very easy baby. A very strong contrast from his sister who had been very difficult from day one. Despite that I loved both of them dearly but it was really throwing me for a loop how Corey was behaving for I never expected it. But it was the reality now and Stef and I had no choice but to handle it.

"Want wine with dinner, baby?" She asks as I put the mashed potatoes in a bowl along with string beans.


"You okay, babe? MM?" She looks at me as I fold the napkins.

"Yes. Just not ready to have a fight with Corey."

"Babe, we will handle it. Yes? Don't you worry." Kissing my cheek she smiles at me as I peck her lips. As we hear the kids rush upstairs to help, we take our normal seats at the table as we see Corey come into the back sliding glass doors. Hearing Stef clear her throat and seeing Frankie roll her eyes I sip on my water.

"Man! That was rough! I'm starved!" He says getting ready to sit.

"Hey! Wash your damn hands! You know better!" Stef reprimands as he huffs and I can clearly see that what we decided was a good thing.

"Ahh I'm starved though!!"

"It wasn't an option! Go wash your hands. NOW!"

Getting up from the table he heads to the back as Stef looks to me taking a sip of wine as we hear my son storm back come back.

"What...what happened to my door???? The stuff in my room!!!!"

"Haha, stupid head, it's gone! That's what you get for being a big fat jerk to us and Moms!" Frankie shouts as I glare at her.

"Hush, Francesca! This has nothing to do with you." I say sternly as she sighs and the girls look down eating their dinner.

"My stuff!! Moms!!" Corey throws his hands in the air.

"Corey, sit and eat." I say. "Now."

"No!! What happened to my things? How am I supposed to get dressed? Where's my stuff??"

"Your stuff is our stuff! Because me and Mama bought it. You live here because we LET YOU. Remember you told us you were the only MAN living here? You're not a man, Corey. You're a child, a little boy with no respect whatsoever. And clearly I need to teach you some. So no, you have NOTHING. And you have no privacy. You want something? I guess ya'll have to get a job and get it yourself." Stef's veins were sticking out of her neck as she stood in front of our son who was clearly not listening to a single word she had to say.

"I don't earn money at the bakery! Uncle Julius gives you MY MONEY!" Corey shouts, throwing his hands up once more.

"Yeah, I know, and you won't. So sit your ass down and eat." Stef points to his seat as he throws his hands up again. I know it's a matter of time before Stef smacks his hands, and all I can do is shake my head.

"This is bull, Mama Dukes! BULL!"

"Corey!" I yell now seeing my wife getting in his face again.

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