Talks With Julius

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"Order what you want, buddy!" Mike says to Corey as the boy happily looks over the menu.

If he was honest he was so happy to get out of the house and away from all the women he lived with. As a kid it didn't bother him much but since he had shot up the last few months since moving back to California he felt different and things were changing for him. Big time.  Not only was his sister Frankie getting on his nerves but both his Moms were constantly on his case. Especially Stef.

"Thanks, Mike. This is super cool!"

"Yeah? I'm glad. Got us tickets to a game too."

"Yeah? Cool! I'm so happy to get out of that house! Mama Dukes is a freakin tyrant! She's on me over everything and kicked me out like twice! What's her deal?"

Mike can only chuckle a bit and shake his head. "Cores, maybe think about how you are coming across. You gotta watch your mouth, man. You should know by now that your Mom doesn't play around."

"Ahh I try! But I don't know what I say wrong. It seems everything I say is wrong! She's super uptight! How did you deal with her? I'm ready to shoot myself."

"Here's what you gotta understand, Corey. There are boundaries, man, big ones. And there is something called respect. You respect your Moms, that's just the name of the game, man."

"But it's like I never get a say without being hollered at. She won't listen to my side, and she doesn't explain herself to me. I don't get it. Mama was never really that mean. Why is Mama Dukes mean? I mean really mean! She's a drill sergeant and super bossy!" Corey continues to complain as Mike knew all about how his ex wife was. Man did he ever but if he was really honest she was a carbon copy of her father Frank.

"Well buddy one thing I have to tell you is they don't need to explain themselves to you. They don't but Corey, have you ever tried to talk to her? Like really sit and talk to her?"

"When I was a kid yeah. I mean a few months ago before we moved to California it was different and she was super cool. We were cool  but now she won't let me say jack crap. It's useless. It's her way or no way and she kicked me out three times already," Corey looks down now as the waitress walks up to the table.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Sure. Give us a couple of shakes, I'll take the Monster burger and fries, and Corey? What flavor shake and burger?" Mike looks at the boy who nods.

"Vanilla shake, and I'll take the Monster burger, too. Oh, and ummm, can I have onion rings?"

"Order whatever you want, Core," Mike smiles.

"Onion rings, please."

"Okay, I'll put that right in for you," the waitress smiles as she walks away, and Mike looks at Corey once more.

"Look, my best advice to you right now is to think before you respond. That's the best thing you could possibly do. Even if you think something is unfair or you don't agree, think first. Nine times out of ten, you'll often find that it's best you don't reply, period. And if you really wanna talk to your Mom, wait until things have really cooled off before you calmly go up to her and ask to talk. You think you can do that?"

"Maybe," Corey looks out the window as he sighs. He was so happy to out with someone other than his family that he could hardly sit still. Maybe he could go and live with Mike? "But Mike maybe I can move in with you. It's just too many girls!"

"Ahh Cores, as cool and fun as that would be I can't, buddy.  I'm pretty sure your Moms want you there and want to take care of you."

"But I'm gonna lose my mind. Can I at least maybe stay the weekend? Please? Can you talk to to them? Please?"

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