Baking Frenzy

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"I'm sorry, Cals. I had hoped that you wouldn't have gotten such a steep punishment, but I guess we should be thankful that Moms are allowing us to go back to work here," Frankie sighs as she opens the bakery door. They had just finished their second week of school, and as promised, the girls as well as Corey were allowed to work again in the bakery with Julius. But that was about all they could do and they looked forward to the break, even if Corey was among the most limited as he had to be by Julius' side anytime he was at the bakery unless, perchance Lena or Stef were helping. Then, he'd be with either of them.

Although, now, Stef and Lena had mapped out more rules for them so as not to make room for anyone to mess up again as Corey had even though Tess had tried to remind them both that kids will make mistakes. Neither Stef or Lena were easing up anytime soon on the three and all three kids were feeling it...big time, for they were beginning to see the consequences of their actions far outweighed if they had just followed the rules to begin with.

Once they arrive at the bakery, they head back straightway to find their Uncle Julius where they make sure he knows they have arrived. Then, they have to call the house, and they are NOT allowed to start work unless Lena has heard that they arrived.

It was after much convincing on Julius' part that they were even allowed at this point, for not only were both girls in a ton of trouble for their recent actions, but also, Stef had gotten even more stricter than she was in the past. She was tired of the foolishness that had been happening over the course of the last few months, and she had decided to run the house much like a boot camp as her father had done for her and her brothers.

None of the kids had doors on their rooms at this point, TV watching was very limited, Corey's games were put away in the garage and the weekends were filled with chores making the house look mighty nice for all of the cleaning that was happening. It was hell to say the least for all of them especially since it was the start of the new school year and going to new friend's homes was now forbidden.

Callie knew her mother was a hard ass, she always had been but not really much with her in the past. Or it was the fact that Callie had never really done much to warrant Stef's strict rules. But she was more strict than any of them ever realized and Corey longed for the days that Stef was still his Aunt Stef. When she was fun, when she played ball with him the backyard before she and Lena got together as a couple.

Even Frankie missed Stef's somewhat easy going nature that she saw on her first visit to New York.  Stefanie as well noticed her Godmother was always on edge and rarely took her out now. All the kids felt as if she was never in a good mood, that she was always yelling and rarely ever seemed relaxed. They also noticed she picked up the habit of smoking more like she was in New York. If they were honest they worried about her but at the same time they were frustrated teenagers who wanted out. And badly.


"This is how it's going to be from now on. Everyone wakes up every single morning at 5:30, no ifs ands or buts about it. You will get dressed, and we will meet in the living room where I will make sure you are dressed to run. No PJ's, hair must be combed, teeth brushed and proper shoes. NOT FLIP FLOPS."

Frankie sits forward now as she looks at Stef as if she had lost her every loving mind. Not only did the girl HATE running, but also, she definitely was NOT a morning person. What in the hell was wrong with her mother and why was she being so damn harsh? "Are you serious?" Frankie squeaks out as Stef looks at her.

"I am talking. Did I say you could talk?"

"No ma'am."

"I didn't think so. We'll have questions at the end. Got it?"

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