Beach Party (Part Two)

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"Despite being here to watch over the girls, I'm glad we came. It's such a nice night." Tess says to me as we walk along the beach seeing all the kids laughing and having a good time. She was right it was a beautiful night and I was glad we were able to hang out like we use to on the army base. Thinking back that time feels so long ago when we were just babies in our 20's. Now it was hard to believe that was nearly 17 years ago.

"It is nice and I'm glad you and Stefanie came down to visit Tess."

"Me too. We had to anyway. There's a house I have my eye on and actually, Jerry too."

"Really? Whereabouts?" I smile widely unable to contain my excitement.

"Not too far from you all. We really wanted to purchase something soon. Stefanie misses you all so much and I admit since you all moved back I am itching to be closer to you all. It will be nice." Tess admits as I glance over to her and smile once again. She really was sweet and one the strongest people I knew. Someone I had really looked up too and if I was honest I still did. Tess really was the older sister I always wanted despite the rough patch we had gone through. Fortunately that was water under the bridge.

"It really will be and I'm glad to have my sister back." Reaching for her hand she grabs mine as we hold them tightly exchanging smiles for it was true. I was so happy to have Tess back in my life and I was happy she was feeling better.

"Me too Lena. How are you feeling? About you know the thing with Will?"

"Ahh I don't know. It's weird because we don't know if it's true or not. But why else would this woman come after me? It's all so surreal Tess  swear it is."

"For money. She's an addict, correct?"

"Yeah, apparently. If it's true why would Will hang out with someone like that. He's not the kind of person to hook up with some woman from a bar. But then again maybe I didn't really know him. I don't know."

"Lena, you knew him. You knew Will more than you think." She says as I stop abruptly and look down at my feet in water. This really was all too painful and I wasn't sure if I was really dealing with it very well. But it was difficult, it was hard to realize that Will possibly had another child floating around. How would Corey and Frankie feel? How would Stef feel and Callie? How would I feel?

"Tess, I broke his heart. I did. I cheated on him when he was over in Vietnam and fell in love with Stef. He knew it. He did and I think it broke his heart. I did that to him. I caused him to sink into a depression and eventually leave because he knew I was not in love with him in the way I was with Stef. I don't..."

"Hey now, Lena. Don't do that to yourself. You loved him and still do." Tess brushes my curls from my face as I sniffle, trying so hard not to cry like a fool. But I was and it was rather embarrassing.

"I did. I loved him, but it wasn't the same. Vietnam changed....everything."

"I remember you, two, when he introduced you to me and Jerry. You were beaming, Lena, and so was he and it was so cute to see. Lena, your love was special with Will, it still is, and always will be honey. He was your first love and you never forget that. Ever.  And to top it off you have two precious babies from him."

I wipe my eyes quickly as I try to smile and look at her, nodding my head in agreement, for it's true. I loved Will. I really did, and sometimes when I look at my kids, I see him and just know....I probably always will.

"Come lets go grab an ice cream. My treat." She says as I laugh and smile.



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