Teen Talks

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"So Mama Dukes, are you working tonight?" Frankie asks as she had just gotten back from swim practice. I am making a new pie recipe considering I don't have to work tonight as she is now helping me with the filling.

"No, babe. I'm off tonight. I work tomorrow. Why, love?"

"MM, just wondering. I'm happy you are home tonight. I love baking with you." She says hugging my waist as I hug her back.

"Aww love, I do too. You really love it, huh? Baking?"

"Yeah, I think it helps with the anxiety."

"You have had a lot of it lately? MM?" I watch her as she rolls out the top crust.

"Well...I realized that since I'm back in Cali and going to my old school I'll see people I used to see. I mean I was happy but I loved New York alot. I kinda miss it."

"I'm sorry, honey. I guess Mama and I didn't realize that. That you would miss it so much I think we thought Callie would more."

"I don't know. I felt ok there. I've been writing my friend." She whispers the last part as I now turn to look at her for I know what she is talking about as I gently life her chin up.

"The girl you liked?" I whisper as she nods her head at me.

"Yeah. I didn't tell you...I mean I was going to but...I sort of almost um, kissed her but didn't. I didn't know if it was a good idea. So when I said bye I just hugged her really long. I liked her alot and she writes me and stuff but I don't want to ask. How am I supposed to know, Mama, I mean when I go to the beach with Callie and Stefanie they talk about boys and guys they think are cute on the beach and stuff and I just I don't see it. I don't."

Seeing tears roll down her face I gently grab her hand as we sit at the table now. I know how confusing it all is, god do I ever and I can't imagine being her age right now and feeling this way. Although, I probably did.

"I know it's hard, sweetheart. And I know we talked about this a few times and we can talk about it as much as you need. You aren't obligated to like boys. If you don't find them attractive, it's ok. The worst thing you can do is force yourself. I know from experience as you know when I..." I pause a minute before continuing.

"Look, I love Mike. I do and care for him but I was never attracted to him. Not once. And I didn't understand why... I don't know. And when I saw your Mama, well, I knew." I laugh as she smiles wide. "She um...she was beautiful and still is and sometimes she makes my heart flutter or skip a beat or sometimes I can't breathe because she's so beautiful and because I'm soo attracted to her. I forced myself to be attracted to Mike and it wasn't good for me or him." Gently I stroke her cheek as she softly smiles at me once again.

"I don't find boys cute."

"And that's ok. I don't either." She begins laughing as I continue to hold her hand.

"But Mama does? She found my dad cute?"

"Babygirl, I'm gonna give you some advice. You should talk to your Mama. I don't want to speak for her, okay? She understands far more than you think she does, and I know she would love to listen and share. MM? Can you do that for me? Talk to her?"

She nods her head as she leans in and kisses my cheek. "I promise. Thank you for listening, Mama Dukes. I love you. And I'm sorry for...well for how I acted before we moved from New York. I should not have been smoking."

"No you shouldn't have but I know I'm not one to talk. And I haven't been a good example in terms of quitting. I apologize for my faults."

"You are a super awesome example of stuff. I see no faults!" She grins.

Love Will Keep Us - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now