Love Will Keep Us

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"So let's go shopping! We need it! All of us!" Stefanie says at the breakfast table as Frankie had made homemade pancakes, with bacon and eggs and even some homemade biscuits.

After their family talk last night which ended in everyone watching, It's Wonderful Life, they were all feeling a tad better for the most part. Even if  Stef and Lena took note to talk to Frankie about her constantly changing attire that was confusing them both as today she had on a brown corduroy jumper with a bright orange turtleneck. But today they would have fun as a family as Julius would be over soon along with Tess. Mike planned to take Corey to a movie with Jerry later as the women and girls would have a spa night. Fun was what they all needed as Stef  turned to Lena smiling as the light skin woman blushed.

They too had spoken last night after everyone went to bed and Lena had held her wife all night, something she knew the blonde needed.

"Godmom, don't you want a new flannel shirt? I can get you one!" The girl grins as Stef puffs her smoke winking at her.

"You do not have to do such a thing, my love. But sure, we can all go."

"Good! I totally missed out last year on it." Stefanie suddenly becomes quiet as Corey snorts loudly for everyone knew what she was referring too as the teen felt Callie hold her hand.

"Oh right you were Star." Frankie reminds her laughing as Stefanie groans and Callie busts out laughing."Where did you get that stupid ass heifer name anyway? Space Academy?"

"Francesca." Lena warns as Corey shoves another pancake in his mouth. The slim woman takes a seat beside her wife as Stef shakes her head at Frankie for she just couldn't watch her mouth, something that definitely had not changed in the girl.

"Ahh I don't remember. Worst name ever." Stefanie appears as if she doesn't wish to talk about it anymore.

"Probably your woman beater." Corey blurts out.

"Corey." Lena says again shaking her head as the boy blushes.

"Sorry, Stefanie," he offers as the girl smiles softly.

"It's okay, bud," she laughs. "It was a really stupid name and I hate it. Thank god I didn't get it tattooed like I was supposed to." She blurts out as Stef nearly chokes on her coffee and everyone looks at her wide eyed.

"Well, we are too honey. You have a beautiful name." Lena says smiling at her as the girl looks at the blonde feeling remorseful as Stef smiles at her but notices the sadness on her face.

"I'm sorry about last year. I am everyone. I'm sorry I was so awful and rude to all of you and ruined your holiday."

"It's ok baby we all forgave you. We did." Stef says as everyone nods their heads.

"We did! Even I did and you know I don't forgive anyone!" Frankie says as everyone bursts out laughing as they all hear the doorbell ring.

Stef looks over at her wife as she wipes her mouth and stands to her feet. "I'll get it baby."

Heading out to the living room, the blonde peers out the curtain to see the rental car her parents were using in her driveway as her mother sat inside. She could also see her father standing at their front door as she heads to open it.

"So I'll see you soon, Stefanie." Franks instantly blurts out as soon as he meets his daughter's gaze. The blonde can sense how uneasy he is as they had not spoken after her outburst at dinner. In her eyes she was hoping this wouldn't ruin their relationship for she loved her father more than life even if he had not said much about Sharon's behavior and never really had. But maybe that wasn't the man he was even if he had always come off as a hardcore drill sergeant as a father, it seemed Sharon ruled their marriage to some extent.

Love Will Keep Us - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now