Frankie Takes a Stand

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"You're just trying to get me in trouble with your Mama's, little girl!" Julius exclaims as Frankie had shown up at the bakery missing her surfing lesson.

Truth was she hated it now and just felt out of place. New York was something she missed and she really did miss her friends there. Not only that, she had spent the majority of the day cleaning out the garage for her big mouth with Stef the other day, and she spent the day rehearsing  what she'd say to Julius as she cleaned and organized.

"No! But they won't let me work here until YOU talk to them and it's not fair! Why should I get caught up in your adult drama, Uncle?" She places her hands on her hips for emphasis, her curly hair falling in her eyes.

"Oh, bambino! No one has you caught up in anything! And why aren't you in school? Hmm? Didn't you start yet?"

"I hate my school already!" She rolls her eyes.

"Lordy! You cut didn't you?! Get your little brown tail in here, please. I will need to drive you back! Oh my god! You are something else, kiddo!"

"Nooo, please! I only cut my surfing lesson! We don't start school til next week. I was cleaning the garage all damn day! Please don't drive me back to surf! Please, Uncle!" Frankie clasps her hands together as she pleads with him even though perspiration was falling down his face from this child causing him to half panic.

Julius can only let out a sigh as he shakes his head. Sure he had gotten the letter left on the bakery door and he was still thinking about all that Stef wrote to him. He knew she was a hard ass and rarely if ever said how she was truly, truly feeling.

In his eyes he wasn't even sure why he let it get to him this badly what happened with the bakery but it had. It really had and he felt guity for the entire thing. It was to the point that now he was simply embarrassed he was ever that angry with the blonde, and that alone made him anxious.

"Uncle, I miss working here so much, and I think it's time you spoke to Mama Dukes. I really do. Why do you hate her so much? I thought you wanted us to move back here," she grabs a donut hole as Julius wipes his hands on his apron and frowns.

"I don't hate her, chiquita. It's adult stuff. You won't get it," he looks dejected, something Frankie had never seen as she walks around the giant metal countertop and takes one of his hands.

"Try me. I'm not as dumb as you might think. I get more than you know, Uncle. I know how she, my mom and Aunt Tess are your sisters, and I get how badly you still miss Uncle Ryan. I know you were scared when the bakery had that fire, and I know you did the best you could even though Corey is an idiot and caused this all. It wasn't your fault."

Julius blinks back tears as he looks down into Frankie's big hazel eyes, and he sighs. "Oh man, mí chiquita listo!"

"I know I'm smart, but that's beside the point," Frankie let's go of his hand as she grabs an apron and ties it around her waist before shoving her curls in a hair net.

"You're gonna get me in all kinds of trouble with your Mama's, you know that?" Julius exclaims as Frankie pats both of her hands with flour and begins to knead the dough for the bagels.

"Let's just say, I'm here reasoning with you," Frankie winks as Julius shakes his head in amazement. He couldn't say no to the young girl no matter what, and to him, it was worth getting his ass chewed out by Stef and Lena.

The thought of both women brought a pang of sadness to his heart as his stomach twisted, and he began to help Frankie with the dough. He knew he should suck it up and just talk to them, especially Stef. He knew how loyal Lena was, and he also knew it was his fault she wasn't speaking to him.

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