Have You Lost Your Mind?

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"Hey, Mama Dukes, I'm home!" Frankie walks into the kitchen to see Stef stirring a pot of tomato sauce on the stove. Immediately she heads over to the snack basket to grab a bag of chips as Stef smacks the top of her hand causing it to fall.

"Hey, hey! It's almost dinner time, missy! No snacking!" The girl grabs the bag again as Stef snatches it as Frankie frowns for the blonde knew if she let her Frankie would eat four or five bags.

"But I'm starving Mama!!!!! Surfing really made me hungry!" She reaches in the fridge for a bottle of water. "Anddd Corey didn't wait for me by the way like he was supposed to do after his track practice." She says ratting him out and proud of it for he was being a pain in the ass lately and everyone knew it. This did not make Stef happy as she put the spoon down turning to look at the girl rather annoyed.

"Really? Are you saying he came home without you?" Stef frowns as she leans against the counter.

Frankie shrugs as she walks towards the living room and calls over her shoulder, "Haven't seen him, Mama Dukes!"

Stef places her hands on her hips as she taps her foot, for Corey had been in a mood since she arrived in California and it was pissing the hell off. It seemed once one kid found their mind another one lost theirs. Now he was starting to mouth off? She couldn't figure out why, for he had seemed ecstatic to be moving back and was wondering what in the hell it was.

Yet his growing bad attitude and mouth were starting to make her wonder what was up with him, and more then once in past few weeks she had been half a second from skinning his behind. But her patience was wearing thin big time and he was running out of chances with her.

"Hey, Mama!" Callie bounces through the back door, Stefanie in tow as the girls look rather exhausted from working at the bakery.

Contrary to what everyone thought Julius had not sold his bakery fully. In fact, he still owned it and had other people running it for the time being. But when he had returned to California he was appalled at what was going on and took over once again. In turn he was happy he never sold it and turned it back into what it was with the kids help and renaming it, Ryan's.

"Hey, babies! How was your first day at Ryan's?" Stef hugs both girls as they hug her back warmly.

"Good! Julius even let me roll out the dough for the doughnuts," Callie smiles as she sits at the table. "It was a lot of fun."

"Yeah? Sounds like it. Stefanie, you like it too, babe?"

"Yeah it was like old times, Godmom. But ughhh! I need a shower! I smell!" Stefanie waves her hand as she leaves to shower and Stef looks to her daughter.

"Cals, have you seen Corey?" She grabs the chicken out of the fridge as the teen frowns.

"No? Wasn't he supposed to meet up with Franks after track practice?"

"Yes. Go knock on his bedroom door, please to see if he is in there. Because if I do it I'll yank him by his neck and tell him I need to speak to him."

"Yes, Mama. When's dinner?"

"About an hour, love."

"Got it!" She takes off towards Corey's room as Stef sighs and starts chopping veggies annoyed at more then one thing and the fact she still had not heard back from the San Diego PD. Mike had not either and was working security at nights, something she was considering as well.

"I'm home!" Lena calls out as she enters the kitchen to see her wife working on dinner. "Hey, love! How's the sink?"

"Ohhhh, that...well, it looks like it'll take another day to fix, but I got it," she kisses Lena's lips as the curly haired woman wraps her arms around her waist.

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