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"So Callie is moving in with Mike? Like forever?" Corey asks wide eyed as it had been a couple of days since the big fight.

Since then my wife had been very quiet, barely saying  much and rather subdued. She was struggling I knew and I also knew how much she missed Callie. Truth was we all did and after speaking with Mike both he and Stef decided it wasn't  a bad idea for Callie to stay for a bit. How long, we weren't sure but she would still carry out her punishment with him, and work at the bakery.

Sitting beside my wife, she has been rather quiet during this talk with the kids as she is listening and letting me begin this discussion. I didn't mind at all but I can see they were rather nervous and I knew it was hard for Stef to even speak of this. She still felt as if she failed Callie, and failed all of us but I had to remind her she was human.

"No, just for the time being. Mom and I have talked about it along with Uncle Mike and we agree it's the best thing for now."

"So what, she bails because she can't hack the rules? Just whatever! I'm not speaking to her anymore." Frankie says as I can see she's both angry and hurt as she folds her arms across her chest.

"Francesca, she didn't bail. I told her to get out." Stef answers rather softly.

"Still you didn't mean it, Mama Dukes! You tell Corey to get out all the time and he knows you don't mean out out! I'm done with her! I'm so done! She's such a hypocrite!" Frankie yells as Corey's eyes become wider at how bold his sister can be sometimes.  At times even I forgot.

"Honey..."I begin as I feel Stef gently squeeze my hand signaling that she wanted to explain.

"Francesca listen to me baby. You hear me, yes?" She begins as our daughter looks to her nodding her head. "That is not what we do in this family. Understand me? Both of you, we aren't done with our siblings! Ever. We talk and sometimes we need a break to think on things and figure things out." She continues in a much less harsher tone. "She is not a hypocrite either, Francesca. That's a pretty bold statement there, sweetheart."

"Yes, and Mom and I both know how close you are to Callie and how much she loves you, Frankie. We know this, and I know how hurt you are, baby girl."

"Yeah well let her stay with her dad since she has such an issue having TWO MOMS! Let her! She said she was excited to live in California, but she lied! She IS A HYPOCRITE!" She yells as I look over at Stef as Frankie now gets up to leave.

"Frankie!" I yell getting ready to go after her as I feel Stef grab my hand.

"Let her go, babe. She's upset about those comments. Let her cool off, and we can talk to her later."

"I want to tell her not to be. I know Callie didn't mean it."

"Then why say something you don't mean, Mama! I know why Frankie is so mad!" Corey is now clearly agitated as for once, he was on Frankie's side of this.

"And why is that?" Stef sits forward as she looks at our son.

"Because! Don't you both know how upset she was for years that our dad left? This feels the same! Another family member leaving. Can I be excused, Mamas?" He sadly looks over at me and I sigh as I nod my head. This is much harder than I thought it would be as I turn to my wife who runs her fingers through her short hair.

"I forget. I mean I forget how much Will leaving upset her. I ..." I begin as she squeezes my hand.

"She's a sensitive girl honey. Always was and always will be and there is nothing wrong with that. She's scared and even I forget that."

Love Will Keep Us - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now