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I pull in the driveway of our little home on Mission Street and smile as I see Stef watering the flowers. I was happy we had made up considering she had been so angry with me about taking Corey's door off.

Heck, I knew she might not agree with me, and she most certainly did not and I apologized for not speaking to her about it first. In the end we agreed to let him have his door back but his punishment and restrictions would be in place until we decided he learned his lesson.

We also made him get a job delivering papers and all his money would go to Julius to help pay for the repairs. Despite the fact that Julius now refused to speak to both of us we were still hell bent on making sure Corey paid for the damages. Even if he had to work it off for the rest of his life.

"Hey, baby," I walk over to her as her back is turned and she turns so I can kiss her lips. "I see you've become quite the gardener around here. Thank you for that. How was work?"

"Well, gotta keep myself busy, babe. Plus, it's been a while since I actually have had a yard. Feels kinda good," she winks as I sit on the small wall around our plants. "Work was work, but it felt good to be in uniform again."

"I'm glad. I know you missed it."

"Yeah sweets I did. You ok, babe?"

"Yes, I would've been home sooner to make dinner but the teacher conferences ran longer and we had a board meeting. Sorry about that."

"Ahhh, it's no big deal, babe. You apologize every evening you miss making dinner, but you know I'm all for you working because I know you enjoy it baby. I'm not gonna stop you," Stef walks over to hang  the hose up on the ring before walking back over to me and holding out her hand.  Sometimes I forget how beautiful she is as I can't help but blush and take her hand.

"What's that for? Mm? My shy wife blushing?"

"Nothing. I just love you and I'm so happy with you. Really. I think things are better?"

"Between us?" She asks looking confused.

"Well yes. You don't seem so tense and upset. Unless I'm wrong?"

"No. You are right. I feel a little more relaxed in some sense. I'm sorry I'm so...intense and.."

"No. No that's not what I meant baby. I have a job now so I know you used to worry about having one income. And we have a home and..."

"Yes a home that is not ours." She frowns as I sigh.

"Yet. It will be. But I just wanted you to know how much I love you."

Smiling at me she pulls me closer to her and leans her forehead against mine. "I'm glad you're home though and I love you so much too, babylove. Wanna go take that walk down by the water? Or are you hungry first?" She kisses me softly as we link hands and walk inside together. Truth was I was so happy we were making a life in California considering this was the state we fell in love in.

"Let me shower and eat, then we can go, babe," I smile as she quickly grabs an envelope from the mail basket we had on the counter.

"Before I forget, you received this letter today, but I didn't open it since it's addressed to you love."

I take the envelope as I frown and look at it. "Really? But it's from New York and I don't really know anyone there? You can open my mail, love," I laugh softly as she heads to wash her hands in the sink.

"Ya? I figured maybe it was from Mrs. McGregor or one of the nuns," she laughs as I sit at the table now wondering who sent this.

I slice open the envelope and pull out the letter to read, but my heart begins to hammer as I read a couple of lines then quickly turn the letter over to see it's address is from Cinnamon. Huh? What was this? "Ummm, Stef?" I barely squeak out as she hurries over to me and sits.

"What's wrong, baby? Who's it from?"

"I just...I don't...what the hell is happening?" I can feel the blood drain from my face as Stef snatches the letter from me and begins reading out loud.

"Dear Lena, I wanted to call you, but I knew that you were busy with getting settled in California. I thought a letter would be better, but one of Will's friends tracked me down in the city and told me that he has a son..." Stef drops the letter and looks at me in complete shock as I rub my forehead in confusion.

"Is she serious right now? I have half a mind to call her ass up and tell her a thing or two for writing this letter instead of calling! What the fuck! You don't tell someone something like this in a letter! Where does she get off and how do we even know..." Stef says angrily as she resumes reading and I feel a migraine continue to take over me.

"That he has a son by a mutual friend, Cindy. I didn't believe him at first because I used to be a scam artist, myself, but I did some digging, and in fact, there is a Cindy from Philly who knew both Will and his friend, Eric. Some time while Will was in Philly, he must have hung out with Cindy at a local bar or something. Well, she's been looking for Will all of this time, I'm guessing and wants child support. I don't know what to do. I told this guy, her no good loser of a boyfriend to fuck off. But he's relentless. He keeps calling me Lena, and I told him multiple times that my name is Cinnamon. He accused me of changing my name, so, I eventually showed him my birth certificate with my given name of Emara Bishop before he believed me. Now, he's demanding to know where you are saying you owe child support for Will's son, Jude."

I'm shaking by now as Stef finishes the letter, and I can feel the room spinning out of control. How is this even possible? Is this even true?

"This is a load of shit." Stef blurts out as I rub my forehead again. "This guy can be anyone and this woman. How the hell do we even know this is true? Scam artist I tell you looking for money and I will tell you they won't get one dam dime! Not one dime! Making up stories and shit! How do we know Will is the father? How do they? How!"

"What if it's true." I say looking right at her as her face is red from being so angry. "Will was gone for a long time and I don't know what he did in that time Stef."

"Lena, he is not here to even defend himself. To even say what he did and didn't do. We have zero idea who these people are. None. I've seen shit like this. I have and people will say anything to get money. And they will make up anything to get money! I will find and speak to these assholes myself. But first and foremast I'm calling Miss Cin to tear her a new ass for writing this shit instead of calling. Nerve of her!"

Right now I have no energy to stop my wife as I am just in shock. Complete shock for what in the hell just happened.

Love Will Keep Us - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now