Making Up

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"YOU DON'T JUST LEAVE! Who in the hell do you think you are just leaving like you are grown? Get your ass over here!" I hear my wife holler as I stand in the front room peering out the window.

This wasn't good by any means but Frankie knew she had it coming with skipping surf practice and bailing on her task of cleaning the garage. I was starting to think these kids would just never learn and would always continue to test our patience until they were adults...and not anytime soon.

Now that Corey was semi-behaving it seemed Frankie was the one who was losing her mind with my wife once again. Sure it made me sad since they had not bumped heads like this for so long in quite awhile.

Truth was we were both worried when her teacher called saying she had not shown up to her lesson, and we had no idea or clue where she could be. I did have some idea Frankie might have shown up at the bakery, and now that I see Julius standing in the background my suspicions are confirmed.

I can tell from where I'm standing that he's feeling super anxious, and I wish with all of my heart that he'll stay despite Stef raising her voice forcefully. Of course, he knew her well, but he doesn't look so good as he shifts from foot to foot, almost as if he doesn't know whether or not to leave.

Heading to the kitchen I grab a glass and fill it with ice cold water as I hear the front door open and  Stef walking in along with Frankie. "AND YOU are NOT to leave that room! You hear me! YOU ARE NOT!! GET YOUR ASS IN THERE!!"

Not hearing a word come from my daughter, Stef walks furiously passed me into our bedroom as I see Julius in our hallway. Walking over to the man as he grips his keys in his hands, and the sound of Stef continuing to reprimand Frankie becomes background noise I hold the glass out to him. "Stay. I made beef stew." I smile as he takes the glass, unsure of himself, and I sigh.

"Thanks." He gulps the water rather quickly, and I'm thankful Stef has quieted down as I'm sure Frankie is in her room sulking by now.

I motion for Jules to follow me which he does but I can still see how hesitant he is not to mention awkward. We had not talked since the barbecue, but I wanted it to be water under the bridge if I'm completely honest.

"Here!" I toss Julius one of our aprons as he scowls.

"Queen Mocha, what the hell is this?"

I smile as I see the color coming back to his cheeks under his neatly trimmed beard. "Duh! An apron! You're helping me make the biscuits to go with the stew."

"What? I just came to drop your daughter offff. Geez, woman! I'm not your designated baker!"

"Um no. You came to talk to me and Stef, mainly Stef. I know you read her letter. And she misses you, Jules. We both do." I admit as he looks to the floor not saying anything.  I can't help but grab his hand as he holds it back now looking at me.

"I don't know what to say to her ok? I don't, Mocha."

"Well I know you read her letter. Why don't you just talk to her.  She misses you, Julius, she really does."

"I miss her too." He says now looking back up at me and I can see tears form in his soft brown eyes, something I never ever expected to see. But I did know as I look behind him seeing my wife appear in the kitchen doorway.



"I brought her home. I didn't tell her to come to the bakery. She came on her own." Julius immediately says to me as I sigh and walk over to the kitchen counter and grab my pack of cigarettes.

"I know it." I say lighting a smoke and running my fingers through my hair. Smelling the ocean water as the breeze blows through the back window, silence takes over as I glance over at my friend. "Thanks."

"Of course." He nods his head as he clears his throat, obviously as nervous as all get out which makes me sad.

"Julius, I'm sorry for how I treated you in the hospital. I was scared and...I mean it's not excuse. I didn't expect us to stop talking altogether. You know you and me fight and makeup the same day. What was different this time?"

"You blamed me, Stef."

"I didn't blame you, Julius."

"Ohhhh, but you did. You did, Mama, and I love those kids like they are my own! You know that! Even your dimwit son! I didn't know that would happen. I didn't. Do you think I'd be dumb enough to put any of them in danger?! Never! Never, ever, ever!" His voice raises more and more.

"I didn't mean that.  Look I was angry and everything I said came out wrong. It did. I know you love them, I know you care and if I thought any different I wouldn't leave them with you. Lena and I trust you, I always have Julius. I was an ass. And I can't say just how sorry I really am."

"You were an ass. I won't argue with that," he laughs grabbing my smoke as I shake my head. "But your letter meant a lot to me. Even if Frankie had not come over to the bakery to tell me off, I had come."

"Tell you off? What?"

"Tell me off!! You sure you didn't birth that child???"

"Wait just a minute," I angrily put out my smoke and holler, "FRANCESCA!!!!!"

"No! Calm down, Steffy! She is just passionate!" Julius steps out to block me from leaving the room, and I glare at him.

"Move, Julius! I know that child knows better than to tell ANY adult off! FRANCESCA MARIE!!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT HERE NOW!!!!!" I holler again as he steps on my foot. "OWWW! Shit!" I yelp as I grab my toe and he laughs.

"I didn't know how else to get your attention! Come on, let's have a beer on the porch until dinner is done!" He hurries to grab two beers as Frankie walks in the doorway, rubbing her puffy eyes.

"Yes, ma'am?" I hear her softly say as I turn to her, and Lena gently grabs my hand. I take a giant breath, swallowing the words I want to bellow at this child, knowing that Julius is right. I need to let it go. Knowing that Frankie is in enough trouble as it is with me, I make a mental note to address this situation at a later time when I'm more calm as I follow Julius outside.

"I did miss you and your scary self!" He laughs as I can't help but bust out laughing myself for I missed this fool. More then either of us realized.

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