Serious Talk

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I'm exhausted from a long day at work on the beat but thankful for this job by far. Of course, I'm bummed that I missed dinner with the family, but true to my word, I plan on grabbing Lena and heading to Frankie's room to talk to her as she hasn't spoken to either of us yet. I had even given her an extra day to gather her thoughts and feelings but her time was now up.

"You okay, love?" I hear Lena ask as I run a comb through my freshly washed hair.

I turn to look at her as she is in our bed with a book, and I smile softly. "Yes, love. I'm just tired, but do you think Frankie is sleeping yet?"

"Ah probably not. You know she can be a night owl although she might be faking since she's been avoiding us for two days."

"Yes, well that avoidance will come to an end tonight. She has no choice, love, and she has to face this and her feelings." I say throwing my sweatpants and tank on. Joining my wife on the bed, I smile at her as she returns it closing her book.

"How are you feeling about your parents coming to Thanksgiving?" She asks surprising me.


"You heard me. How are you feeling about them coming?"

"I'm fine, and that is not my concern right now. Ny concern is our daughter, babe."

"Yes and what about our other daughter? You know...Callie." Looking away from her I don't say a word and it's almost like she can read my damn thoughts. "She's coming to Thanksgiving with Mike. I think you should talk to her."

"Lena, Callie is welcome to come to dinner, and she is welcome to come home. She knows that."

"I don't know, does she?" Lena presses which only proceeds to annoy me as I look right at her.

"Yes. I told her that on the phone. That day." I bite back as she stays calm.

"Yeah, and when you met her for brunch, how did that turn out?" She asks as I swallow the lump in my throat, for I had not told her about that at all. Shit. "Yes, I know you two met. She told me. And I know how badly it went."

"Lena, I tried. Ok, I tried. But she is disrespectful as hell."

"Did you try? Did you listen?" She sits forward as she keeps eye contact with me.

"Yes, Lena, I did." I say as she clears her throat staring hard at me. "Look, I tried my best, okay? I did. I don't want this, Lena, and I miss that little girl like crazy. I do."

"I know you do. And she misses you. Believe me. Why didn't you tell me you were going to meet her for brunch? Why did you let me think it was Stefanie?"

"In case it went shitty. Which it did. I couldn't face telling you that I failed again. That I failed listening to my first born who said that I listen better to my other children than to a child I gave birth to. That I made up with Stefanie and Frankie and even Corey. And maybe I do listen better, and maybe I am more patient, but maybe I'm not with Callie. And that's not fair to her, babe. It just isn't. And I..." I begin again hearing a soft knock at the door.

"Come in." Lena calls out as I quickly wipe my tears, and I feel her hand rub mine.

"Sorry, I can come back." Frankie says as I turn to look at her walking off.

"No way, miss. Come here, please. Come back in here." Turning around she hesitantly walks over to both of us and takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "Do we smell?"

"Huh?" She looks at me with confusion all over her young face, and I smile.

"You are too far away, love. Come sit between us. Come on." Moving closer to us she can't seem to look either of us in the eye as I glance at Lena who begins the conversation.

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