Lena Explodes

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"You are in deep shit, young man! DEEP shit!" Stef bellows as Corey had just confessed to what happened in terms of the bakery.

"I forgot! I just left for a few minutes, and wanted to see Steve's new skateboard. I timed it. I knew when the rolls would be done! I...I didn't think I'd be gone that long and I forgot!" He cries as the blonde, Lena and he were outside on the patio for this was a matter they needed to discuss privately.

Tess and Jerry felt awful but didn't think it was their business to get involved and they were very much aware that Corey was in a gigantic amount of trouble. The entire home knew as Lena shook her head. They had been waiting weeks for this kid to confess...weeks and the fact it took him this long angered them both to no end.

"You forgot! HUH? You forgot! No! You didn't forget!! You were lazy! Your were inconsiderate!! You were selfish and you were a damn idiot!! Are you aware how dangerous the situation became?! HUH?!! ARE YOU?! Your sisters were in that kitchen looking for your dumb ass while you were skateboarding with some MORON!!! And you are just as much of a damn MORON!! Damn, you are!!" Stef is the loudest she's been in a long time as the entire house could feel her anger as all three girls were listening from inside their eyes growing wider.

Frankie of course has her suspicions and it had been weeks since she had even really spoken to her brother. Now she was just pissed and if this was the reason Stefanie's parents wanted her back she was going to kick his ass.

"Mama Dukes! I..." He is crying hard now, tears streaming down his cheeks as his ears are red like always when he got upset.

"Enough, Corey!! No one wants to hear your shit!!" Lena now gets up shouting her loudest, for she had had enough. She did and she was going to rip into this kid like she never had in her life.

But it was true she really did have enough and even if they knew the boy had been lying the entire time over the course of the last few weeks, the fact that it took Stefanie deciding to go back with her parents annoyed her. It did for what in the fuck took him so long? What? "What took you so long to tell us what we already knew?! HUH?! What?!" Lena moved closer to the boy as he backed up, fear growing in his eyes for he had never seen her this angry except with his sister, but never ever with him. Ever. And he had to admit he was scared right now. Scared and afraid. "You should have admitted this weeks ago to us! Weeks but you were too coward!! You ARE!!!!" Lena hollers even louder.

"I'm sorry! I was scared!"

"Oh you were scared!! POOR YOU!!! Do you know how scared your sisters were and how scared Stefanie was? DO YOU?! Or how scared your Uncle Julius was!! DO YOU?! They were damn near terrified! Terrified because of you!!! And you have not learned from this! You haven't learned one bit from what you did! If you did, you would have apologized weeks ago!" Lena balled her fists at her sides as she practically spat in the boy's face as he now was bawling his eyes out.

"But Mama! I have! I..."

"No!!!!! You haven't!!!! And you are toast!! You are a goner!! And you will never ever in life get your door back or anything that YOU THINK YOU OWN!!! I was patient with you, I was understanding thinking you are so sensitive but you are a little jerk who only cares about nothing but himself and your father is rolling over in his grave!!! He's not proud of you!! He's not happy with who you have become because you will NEVER be as good as a man as him!! EVER!" Lena screeches, her voice giving out. "EVER!!! So forget it!!"

"Lena!" Stef yells pulling the woman's hand as she she looks back at her. Corey on the other hand was sobbing his eyes out. Big time for that cut him so hard like a knife and he had never cried this bad ever. Not ever.

"What?" Lena hollers at her wife.

"I think that's enough," Stef says in a low voice as Lena yanks away and looks back at Corey.

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